120 Kgs Zercher Deadlift. FIRST TIME, EVER.

10 months ago

Since I am FINALLY getting an opportunity to work out again, mid way through this week, as things are starting to get back to normal. I just thought I would mess around a bit this week, for fun, and also do some accessory/hypertrophy lifts for now, then get back into the program, next week. I've literally never done the Zercher Deadlift from the floor; only the Zercher Full Cycle version, (deadlift to knees, and then zercher squat upwards), as my body just literally cannot get in that position/that low, to do it. Which is why I had to put the bar a bit higher on the mats, to even make it feasible, with a decent amount of weight. Form was terrible, as to be expected, on a first go at it, but cut me some slack, hahaha. This was only my 3rd set, too. Going from 60 Kgs, to 100, and then this. I could probably do more, and I tried for 140 Kgs, but it just was not happening with this style. Just feels way too off, and inefficient, with my body/structure. I could lift the weight, but the bar would just slip out of my grip. Maybe I'll try the full cycle zercher style, someday. Which I haven't done in over two plus years; as those at least feel better, in not having to twist your body in to a pretzel, to get the weight, lol.

Song: "Wiener Blut" - Rammstein

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