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Judge w/McGovern CIA Senior Officer: 9/11 Remembered - What We've Never Been Told

1 year ago

911 No plane hit the Pentagon. This footage aired once, never to be seen again!
Leaked 911 Pentagon Video
Missile Striking the Pentagon on 911. Building 7 Demolition Caught on Camera
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9/11 After 22 years
Do Some Research
Perhaps The Best Ever Analysis Of 911 Event
2023-09-11 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett CIA, Mike Harris NSA Both Broken-Arrows
9/11 Remembered - What We've Never Been Told w/Ray McGovern
Ray McGovern CIA Deputy Director Responsible for Briefing Presidents


  • 0/2000
  • Fascinating, in a macabre manner.

  • Why would you let the planes continue? It would look bad if you shot them down and the demolition charges still went off.

  • Lawyers are by definition people who prefer words to truth.

  • Where were the CIA analysts when 9/11 happened? Now behind RF but STILL do not not point out the real culprits. I read the 9/11 Commission Report which is supposed to make us believe that OBL orchestrated the 9/11 attacks from a CAVE? I can tell you that the communications and organization required to execute this make this IMPOSSIBLE. Mr. Bollyn does a good job in his research. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOq-LbQ4erM But lets go back a little bit. First, the Protocols which came from France and then Tsarist Russia. https://rumble.com/v1rterc-the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-zion-dr.-william-pierce.html Then how the UK and US propped-up the Soviet to build them up to fight the Fascists and support the Communists. https://ia801004.us.archive.org/10/items/FromMajorJordansDiaries1952Signed/1952%20-%20From%20Major%20Jordans%20Diaries%20-%20George%20Racey%20Jordan.pdf How about "Pawns in the game - by Admiral Carr https://rumble.com/v2i4398-admiral-william-guy-carrs-pawns-in-the-game-1958-speech-exposing-the-whole.html Speech by Fagan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLZf7FNP9As Then consider the Rosenthal interview https://rumble.com/v25teei-the-hidden-tyranny-the-rosenthal-document.-jewish-dc-insider-admits-zionist.html Now all these things taken separately, can easily be dismissed, but all together in context to include all the subversive policies going-on in the USA which I will not get into because they are obvious and too many to list here. But suffice to say LGBTQ, transgenderism, race baiting, women in combat (Pinetta), soft on black crime policies, white supremacy threat (lie), DEI in corporate America, and gun confiscation laws, + above all, the dismantling of American Industrial capability esp. steel production. Lastly look at who the "neocons" were in the Bush administration: https://millercenter.org/president/gwbush/george-w-bush-administration And the current administration: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration

  • Ok, so review all the links I have provided and understand WHO is behind it all. However, the BIG question is whether the Russian Federation is a continuance of the Soviet Union read: New lies for old - "Anatoliy Golitsyn" https://archive.org/details/NewLiesForOld Can we live with the RF as it is now? Or is war their ultimate aim? Now that they are ready and strong and we are subverted and weak. Hard to say but the information I put forth does not bode well. IF the RF is still like us, a pawn in the game.