Sharon Graham’s Unite union sides with trade union nobbling Ukraine.

9 months ago

A TUC Solidarity with Ukraine motion being passed, notably by Sharon Graham's Unite has trade unionists up in arms.
Right, so the trade Union Congress 2023 is underway right now, think of it as like a party political conference for all the different trade unions to come together and find some common ground if you will, but one motion in particular, notably supported by Sharon Graham’s Unite has people up in arms, though maybe that’s a poor choice of words given the circumstances. The motion, brought forward by the right wing led GMB Union, is motion C21: Solidarity with Ukraine. Now maybe this doesn’t seem like anything particularly unusual, there is a lot of support going on in the UK for Ukraine right now, but from a trade union standpoint, from a trade unionist point of view, this ought to be pretty worrying, I’ll come to the why that is presently. Firstly let’s take a look at this situation between Russia and Ukraine because the way the media portray it, the way they want you to regard it, is all very black and white isn’t it? Russia bad, Ukraine good and it’s very easy to do that when Russia did invade Ukraine, but as always the situation isn’t black and white, it’s full of shades of grey. I don’t want to focus on Russia too much here, for one I’ve covered this issue in other vids, for two the TUC motion is in relation to Ukraine specifically, but NATO expansion eastwards whatever you think of Putin is a provocation, especially when you consider such expansion was promised not to happen in order to see the Berlin Wall brought down. The West has not kept to that. You can make arguments for saying Putin’s own actions drove that, you can make arguments that the West have poked the bear, like I say, it’s grey, not black and white. We’re not in a Spaghetti Western here where all the good guys wear the white hats and all the bad guys wear the black ones. Equally Ukraine isn’t all sunshine and flowers. A coup left it basically a puppet government for the US, on Russia’s doorstep, poking the bear. Yes they’re the ones who have been attacked and been invaded and as much as the focus of Volodymyr Zelensky in the media is one of asking for help, aid, arms, taking the fight to the Russians, it’s not only that that should be amatter of concern, but the other actions he’s taken under the cover of this war too.


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