My Life with MS - Making Coffee with MS

9 months ago

My Life with MS - Making Coffee with MS:

My life was drastically changed on Feb 20, 2020. I had rapidly & suddenly developed double vision, slurred speech, severe right arm & leg mobility loss and the ER initially suspected a stroke. ER blood tests and CT scans showed no signs of stroke, but things were seriously wrong. I was admitted to the hospital and after 3 weeks of numerous MRI's, blood tests, IV steroids, and a spinal tap the suspected problem was Multiple Sclerosis, but the hospital required that a definite diagnosis be made by a neurologist. I was able to get seen by one of the top neurologists in Delaware who specializes in MS and the diagnosis was official ... I had MS ... rare that a very fit & active male at 54 would be hit so severely & suddenly.

My life changed forever, as well as that of my wife, with the shocking news of my diagnosis. My equilibrium is completely trashed - I can only best describe it as trying to balance on a thin board that is trying to balance on a ball. It's terrible and one of the things that I hate most about MY symptoms of MS. I receive an infusion of Ocrevus every 6 months as a DMT (disease modifying therapy) to try to keep my MS as controlled as possible. The infusions kill all of the B cells of my immune system, so I am immune compromised. I also wear a ankle/foot orthotic brace 100% of the time on my right leg. There is no cure for MS.

So, I will post some videos of MY MS because MS is vastly different for everybody. Most of the MS. videos that I have come across online shows much younger people that are thankfully much less impacted with physical mobility impairment than me. But, I always say "things could be worse and I know there are people way worse off than me". I know that I have nothing to complain about and I am not asking for sympathy. I just thought I'd share some videos of MS and the havoc it wreaks on the lives of millions world wide

With that ... here is my first video and will try to post regular videos of MY life and dealing with MY condition of MS.

Thank you for reading & watching. If you or someone you know has MS, you are NOT alone and I fully understand what you are going through. NEVER GIVE UP, just do you the best that you can, and there will be good days and bad days ... take things a day at a time, it is what it is, just keep moving forward at whatever pace you are able.

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