
1 year ago

Video presentation of my research with regards to MS
Hi, I'm Thomas from Dublin. I'm a father and husband, and I've been working in the IT industry for two decades. In early 2020, I was shut down on social media for recommending vitamin D3 and not wearing masks. This censorship made me realize that something was up. My story began in the summer of 2017 when my wife began to tremble uncontrollably. Later, we found out she had over 20 active lesions in her brain, leading to a diagnosis of MS. The public health system didn't provide adequate care, so we went to a private hospital. I learned about MS and autoimmune issues being geographically related to the equator and purchased different types of vitamin D3 to help my wife. She suffered from dystonia, nystagmus, migraines, neuralgia, neuropathy, and loss of memory. I found Dr. Terry Wahls and her work on foods that trigger inflammation, which helped stabilize my wife. The truth about health is that many of our issues are self-inflicted or not helped, and hospitals only treat symptoms. One of the most annoying things for me when I was searching for answers was the subscription blocks these people promoting MS help were behind pay walls. These people are sick enough; they don't need either pharmacology or charlatans praying on them. I made a cheat sheet that provides a way to detox from metals and parasites, as I found the MS symptoms were identical to Lyme borreliosis. I then went and checked some autopsies of people who passed away with MS; that was my Eureka moment. I found it present more commonly than not. I had already learned that a doctor had basically put his wife in remission using many different kinds of anti biotics this woman had a huge blastoma "hole in the brain"; she was alive, and she was healthy. It gave me such joy and hope. This is what I am trying to achieve for some of you:

please check my website. thanks in advance #Sharingiscaring #Givingisliving

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