When was the last time your utility bills went down? The cost-of-living crisis continues to deepen.

1 year ago

Breaking the Divide: Moving Beyond Racial Politics in Australia

By Senator Papahatziharalambrous

In the heart of contemporary Australia, we find ourselves amid a nation that boasts a rich tapestry of cultural diversity. Yet, despite this multicultural success story, there remains a stark and persistent division foisted upon the populace. The line that separates "White Australia" from "Black Australia" is often held up as a marker of inequality and social strife.

However, it is crucial to recognise that this division isn't solely about race, but political gain. The real issue lies in the establishment that has governed us all for the past eight decades – the Australian Labor Party (ALP), the Liberal Party, and the National Party coalition (LNP). While socialists have framed the debate as a racial one, the truth is that these political entities have failed all Australians equally.

The question that begs to be asked is why we continue to support parties that have yet to provide meaningful solutions to our shared challenges. When was the last time your utility bills or rates went down? The cost of living crisis continues to deepen, and our political leaders have, at times, deliberately shifted our focus towards issues of race, a realm where Australians generally share mutual respect and harmony.

It's important to remember that history offers us cautionary tales about the dangers of separating people based on race. Adolf Hitler, a socialist leader, attempted such division with disastrous consequences. Today, as we face a left-wing referendum that threatens to elevate one race over another, we must remember that, fundamentally, we are all part of the same human race.

The call for unity transcends race, politics, and the socialist constructs that divide us. This is a call to action. As Australians, you have the power to influence change. By reevaluating our political choices and working together to address the broader challenges that affect us all, we can reclaim our agency as citizens. Make no mistake, this is important. If we do not move away from the major parties, how can we expect them to chase us and win back our vote with policies that are meaningful in our lives? Let's strive to create a brighter future, one where we halt this constitutional division, tip out the ALP-LNP rats from Parliament, and stand together to "Make Australia Grouse Again!"

If You’re Australian, Vote No.

Source: The 13 O'clock News

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