Family First Life Recruiter States 20K Monthly Income After a Few Months

1 year ago

They have 400 agents on their team now - average 9k per month.

This video of the interview with a Family First Life recruiter was made in October 2022 at the same time as the video as the Brittney the Fraudster was made. This recruiter, Donnie, is relying on the con that he is particular on who he is willing to hire and train. lol.

Actually, for 14k after a few months.. if you get trained by Donnie. His pitch that he interviews 50 agents weekly and only accepts 3 or 4. lol.

The Family First Life company that Donnie is mentioning is Family First Life United of Fort Walton Beach, FL.

The owner, Ryan M., sold his agency to Integrity Marketing Group a few years ago for 2 million dollars and subsequently was collecting a .275 million dollar annual salary plus extras.

Below is the sms conversation with a former FFL in house staff.
FFL recruiter
I've have 0 contact since leaving in may. I have personally seen with my own eyes Montaltos deal via email. His deal was 2 million upfront and a 275k salary, with stocks, etc. I know his deal was the smallest out of all. I do not know the details of the others except that they were for a lot more.

The Tyra whistleblower explains these deals of selling agencies for the Integrity Deal.

In early 2023 Ryan quit his integrity marking group job and was immediately rehired and fired for cause. and then sued by integrity marketing group to recoup the moneys paid to Ryan.

Ryan's counterclaim calls integrity marketing group and family first life a Ponzi Scheme. has written an article about this lawsuit.

Certainly, Donnie's income claims are false and illegal according to the Florida Business Opportunity Law and the FTC order.. In fact, Family First Life is not even complying with the business opportunity law. I cannot find anything online that details the actual incomes of their business opportunity participants.

This video is the actual phone call, not edited.

If we look at the cease and desist that family first life received from the FTC, it is clear that Family First Life should be complying. Totally illegal.

Please view the various videos on the playlist pertaining to Family First Life

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Here is the video interview with Brittney the Fraudster recruiter.

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