9 months ago

He-Man is a superhero and the main protagonist of the sword and planet Masters of the Universe franchise, which includes a toy line, several animated television series, comic books and a feature film. He-Man is characterized by his superhuman strength and in most variations, is the alter ego of Prince Adam. He-Man and his friends attempt to defend the secrets of Castle Grayskull, the planet Eternia, and the rest of the universe from the evil forces of his archenemy Skeletor.

The character was created by designer Mark Taylor,[2][3] who based the character on his childhood drawings. One of Taylor's designs was used by Mattel Designer Roger Sweet in his pitch to Mattel for a new action figure line. Sweet also chose the name "He-Man" and suggested that it have a twist-action waist. Sweet sculpted and presented three different versions of the figure to Mattel—including a soldier and a spaceman—the barbarian version of the character designed by Mark Taylor was chosen and developed into the character's current form. After the barbarian version of the concept was chosen, Sweet was taken off the project and Taylor was assigned principal design duties.

The television series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe mushroomed the selling of Mattel's toys and was a hit success in the 1980s, gaining 9 million viewers in its first year in the USA alone and being broadcast to at least 37 countries.[4]

He-Man has been singled out for the homoeroticism and gay subtext surrounding his character. Many critics have taken note of his queer-coded nature and perceived homosexuality, particularly in his relationships with other male characters; such as Skeletor. Since his creation He-Man has achieved gay icon status and amassed an LGBT following; something which Mattel is aware of and receptive to.

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