Honouring the Divine FEMININE through Divine Masculinity.

1 year ago

#spirituality #divinemasculineenergies #embodiment

In the summer of 2022/2023 I was blessed to have the opportunity to be able to travel around the country to various conscious festivals. What I saw in some of these festivals shocked me to my core. Some of the practitioners, participants and organisers of these festivals were living a lie in plain sight. Whether they were aware of this is up for debate, and personally I wouldn't believe them if these men said they didn't know, they were kidding themselves.

The levels of manipulation and subversion towards women were off the fucking richter scale, never mind the hook. How can someone teach about embodiment of the divine masculine when they are secretly manipulating women towards seduction and sex? Some of these men couldn't believe that they were being held accountable for their actions, and even blatantly continued to live out their manipulations in plain sight completely blind to their very public exposure. It was a stain on the consciousness movement in my country.

So, I took upon myself to be a part of the movement of men that WERE honouring the sacred divine feminine. WE through our integrity, our authenticity and vulnerability stood up, made the women we interacted with feel safe, nurtured and respected. There was never any sexual predation from those of us who in our power stood in devotion and honour to the energy of the sacred feminine.

I have always held women in a deeply reverent state, but in the past been a manipulator, seducer in order to get my needs met. That changed for me in 2017, this old identity died a natural and timely death for me. I chose to stand up and stand steadfast in recognition of what the sacred feminine meant to me. I wanted to give this movement, it's female contingent the knowledge that there were men within its ranks that they could feel safe around. Sexual conquest was the furtherest thing from our minds.

Heartfelt connection to us was PARAMOUNT. This is the way... I have spoken.

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