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1 year ago

Inspired by Genesis Chapter 2.

Creation's Completion and Rest:
After six intense days of cosmic orchestration, the heavens, the earth, and all their hosts were completed. On the seventh day, God paused, ending His work. Not from exhaustion but to acknowledge its completion. This day was consecrated and eternally blessed, a day of divine repose, a cessation from all the universe-building labor.

Genesis of Earth and Heavens:
The history of the heavens and the earth starts when they were but a concept in the divine blueprint. There was a time when no plants populated the earth, no herbs sprouted from the soil. God hadn't yet made it rain. Instead, an ethereal mist rose from the ground, anointing the world in celestial moisture.

The First Breath:
From the earth's dust, God sculpted the form of man. He then breathed life directly into the nostrils of this clay figure. The man’s first sensation was that of the breath of God coursing through him, and he became a living, conscious being.

Eden: The Divine Garden:
To the east, in Eden, God planted a paradise. This wasn't just any garden; it was an encapsulated paradise. In this divine space, God positioned the man he had breathed life into. The garden bloomed with trees pleasing to look at and fruits delectable to eat. Amidst these, two trees stood out: The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Rivers of Eden:
A river, sourced in Eden, branched into four riverheads named Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates. These rivers weren't ordinary; they weaved through lands known for good gold, bdellium, and onyx stones.

The First Task and Warning:
God assigned the man the role of caretaker for this divine natural treasure. He could eat from any tree except for the Tree of Knowledge. God's warning was clear: transgress this one limit, and the consequence would be death.

The Companion:
God then noted the man’s solitude. He decided to create a companion, forming animals and birds and letting the man name them. However, none were a suitable match. So, God made the man sleep deeply, taking one of his ribs to create a woman.

Recognition and Unity:
Upon seeing her, the man was struck with divine recognition. "She is the bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh," he proclaimed. From that point forward, a man would be united with his wife, becoming one flesh.

They existed in a state of natural grace, naked yet without shame, as innocence clothed them in its own way.

#faith #god #jesuschrist #bible #genesis

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