Share a Dream: Envisioning the Garden of Tomorrow

1 year ago

This is where I am supposed to say something profound about the ability of our dreams to become manifest in reality - But I am not profound. I only observe that the likelihood of our desires to become real is only increased when that vision is shared with others.

"There they go, dreaming again" some will say .. and you just smile, and let them - because you know a secret. You know that every time you speak out loud what your intentions are, you are reinforcing your habits. Little by little, you envision your goals, sort through them, refine them .. and then, because you know another secret, you begin to act upon them,

The second secret is this: The ultimate key to success is execution. You have to start acting on your dreams, even if you can only do so in a small manner - a small but constant effort accomplishes quite a lot!

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