Week 35, lessons 237-243, ACIM WB Practice Group 8/31/23

8 months ago

The world is false perception. It's our thoughts!

We begin with lesson 243 - Today I will judge nothing that occurs.
We explore this with an old Chinese Proverb that we’ve adapted to make you smile and to set us up for our exercise…
Since we don’t have enough information to judge anything accurately… How does this change your perception of what seems to be dangerous or concerning?
237. Now would I be as God created me.
238. On my decision all salvation rests.
239. The glory of my Father is my own.
240. Fear is not justified in any form.
241. This holy instant is salvation come.
Inspired visualization - the sunrise of salvation.
Guided forgiveness exercise - I desire this holy instant for myself,
that I may share it with you, whom I love.
How does it feel that you have the power to forgive your brother and save the world in this instant, not some future date?

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