Calming The Chaos With Meditation: Introduction To Christian Meditative Prayer. EP7

9 months ago

Who are YOU? Who are you REALLY? How do you define yourself? By your job? Your life experiences? Your family history? Your physical body? Your thoughts, ideas and beliefs?

All of those are certainly important parts of you.

Yet there is something even deeper, an eternal component to you that continues after your time here on earth is over. It is much deeper than your physical body, actions and experiences… deeper even than your ideas, emotions and beliefs, deeper than the words and language that form your thoughts.

This eternal part of you is who YOU really are, the core of YOU, your truest identity.

The Bible refers to this eternal part of us. Jesus calls it our “soul” and our “spirit.” Paul calls it our “inner being.” This is the part of you that will still exist after you die and your body and brain return to dust.

Your soul is infinitely more important and valuable than the rest of you because it is the only part that will last forever. Since every part of you is going to die and end some day, except your eternal soul, shouldn’t you take time to keep it healthy and whole?

Becoming more aware of your soul, your true identity, is the most important element of healing. If you want your healing to be deep, lasting, and real, then it must go deeper than the surface physical level of you. It must reach down into your soul.

Your soul is the part of you that God is drawing to Himself. Your soul is the part of you that either seeks to commune with our Creator or reject Him. Forging relationship with God at soul level is the most beneficial thing you could ever do for yourself. It is within your soul where you will find the Holy Spirit if you are a Christian. It is there that God can heal you and fill you with His love, peace, victory, and strength.

Let’s spend some time at soul level today. How do you become more aware your soul? How do you tap into it?

Podcast #7 is from Blue Tapp's latest book, "Chaos Calmed: Introduction to Meditative Prayer & Spiritual Healing Workbook," which introduces readers to Christian meditative prayer in a practical, easy to follow guide. Blue compassionately and gently leads readers through the process she followed to find healing from chronic suicidal depression.

The methods in this book will benefit anyone who struggles with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, fearfulness, chronic sadness, grief, bitterness, anger issues, unforgiveness, pessimism, addiction or any other internal anguish. Move beyond a temporary feel good from a bottle into real deep lasting authentic healing. Everyone should read this life-changing book!


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