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🇺🇸 Aug 28 2023 - Dr. Jan Halper w/ The Big Mig > The MILITARY Is In Charge + Trump Is CIC

1 year ago

* Pay Attention To Everything That Is Happening > Connect The Dots * General Flynn Is Giving Us Wisdom > Everyone Should Listen * The Contract Between The Crown + The Vatican + The U.S. Corporation Has Been Dissolved * Biden Has Continued To Extend Trump's Key Executive Orders * A U.S. Security Contractor Witnessed The Vatican Gold Being Trucked To U.S. MIL C-130's * When The Election Fraud Is Revealed All Of Biden's Appointments And Laws Could Be Revoked * Trump Put The MIL In Charge And He Is the Commander In Chief *


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

The Big Mig


  • 0/2000
  • Just friendly advice; - When you have someone to interview from inside the 'circle', don't interrupt them while they are talking. You may never get them to finish that thought and you risk missing very important and never before heard information. Unfortunately, this happened a lot on this interview. Cheers fellas!

  • I believe her.

  • Dr Jan is my hero!

  • Derek Johnson spells it out well

  • Wow! Love this! I did see Dr. Jan’s interview in the UK and it was an confirmation to all I have been learning. I enjoy her Approach when showing the details and her humility and belief system that is of God! God bless our country! So happy we are no longer under the stifling pressure and influence of the corporation any longer! I am so ready for the loose ends to be tied up and thrown where they need to be! The mountain has been moved! Praise God! He is in control and His love through us and His discernment manifested through His people have and will continue to pull us through this.

  • There are so many people in the comments who don't trust Jan. Are these people watching the same show as me? After responding to a few, I started to see that many of them are agents of chaos. I'm not sure which agency, but I'm betting the CIA or bots. Don't fall for the dumb shit. Don't let others words drag you into an argument or break your spirit, and always go with your own intuition or your heart. ~Love & Light to All~

  • Why are not more watching this?

  • So glad to hear Jan validate the research I’ve been doing on the 1871 Act, Exord, constitution and amendments which explains why we are where we are and what has been done to fix the steeling of our country.

  • Didn't Derick Johnson has been addressed all these same issues including the EO's one year ago in his 1st Rant in the social media platform.

  • Thank you Dr. Jan Halper! Thank you everyone who brought this to us!

  • One question that I wish people would ask her is if she gets the sense that those journalists are getting nervous?

  • The full idiom is "speech is silver, but silence is golden" meaning that words are important, but sometimes it is better to say nothing." For the safety of the Nations, many of God's chosen people have "appeared" to be silent or "turncoat", but I say, not so! To the contrary, in the workings of God's Manifold Wisdom, we must faithfully consider the importance of the first part of this saying, "speech is silver". And consider the task at hand, the cleansing of the Nations by Refiner's Fire! ★Psalms 12:6 KJV “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” ★Isaiah 45:1-5 AMP "God Uses Cyrus🎺🎺🎺 "THIS IS WHAT THE LORD SAYS to His anointed, to Cyrus [king of Persia], Whose right hand I have held To subdue nations before him, And I WILL ungird the loins of kings [disarming them]; TO OPEN DOORS BEFORE HIM so that gates will not be shut: “I WILL GO BEFORE YOU and level the mountains; I WILL SHATTER THE DOORS of bronze and cut through the bars of iron. “I WILL GIVE YOU the treasures of darkness [the hoarded treasures] And the hidden riches of SECRET places, SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW THAT IT IS I, THE LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you (Cyrus the Great) by your name. “For the sake of Jacob My servant, And of Israel My chosen, I HAVE ALSO CALLED YOU by your name; I HAVE GIVEN YOU an honorable name Though you have not known Me. “I AM THE LORD, and there is no one else; There is no God except ME. I WILL EMBRACE and ARM you, though you have not known Me,"

  • The bankrupt “corporation” stems from the creation of the Fed in 1913.

  • This is interesting! I have been listening closely, and as always, Our Creator is able to handle whatever comes! I trust Him, and I am glad to hear what Jan has to say, and I surrender it all to the hands of our Creator, and I ask The Spirit of Truth to reveal The Truth about all claims and information that we are hearing! Let the Truth be heard and seen, and deliver us from our enemy the devil, called Satan! In the name of Jesus Christ, Yahushua, Son of YHWH! By the blood He shed when He laid down His life, and then took it up again! Once He was dead, but now He is Alive! Every knee shall bow and every tounge confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

  • We have God Almighty to thank for the people’s returned control of our Nation. President Donald J. Trump is God’s Anointed “David” for this specific time!