Suella Braverman demands police work harder. Small problem with that.

9 months ago

Work harder now we've recruited more officers Suella Braverman tells the police, ignoring the fact her party first did the damage!
Right, so whilst Suella Braverman does the media rounds today still claiming that a barge riddled with legionella is fit for human habitation – please do take a room for a week and prove it by all means – she’s on the attack elsewhere too, as she’s been laying into the police. Now of course the reputation of the police in this country has been going down the pan for some time, much of that can be linked to the appointments of people based on their political affiliation rather than any talent, the politicisation of police and crime commissioners as well as those in charge of police forces around the country being inept and seemingly there purely to provide cover for those in charge, many will point to Cressida Dick’s tenure in charge of the Met as arguably the best known example for many, presiding over rapists and murderers in the ranks and wondering what exactly she got a damehood for. People will draw their own conclusions, but above all else the police are supposed to be there to deal with crime and Braverman’s attack has been one of demanding the police stop trivialising certain crimes, notably saying that they must investigate every theft. Now that is all well and good and of course we expect police to be doing that, but we’re also aware of what has happened to the police after 13 years of Tory government. Austerity led to 20,000 of them getting made redundant, police stations being sold off to property developers and crime rates increasing as a result. It was complete false economy to do this and despite years of commitments to recruit more police officers than ever before, the fact is, we barely have any more police now than we did in 2010 when the Tories took power. In 2010 there were 146,000 police officers in England and Wales, today there are 149,000. So the Tories across 13 years have increased police officer provision certainly, but only by 3,000 officers. Of course Braverman herself has vociferously denied they have only recruited 3,000 officers, the Tories have according to her, recruited 20,000 officers, but that only replaces those that have been lost. In fact her numbers are rubbish since the Tories saw 26,000 police officer roles lost and if she was on top of her brief she’d not be crowing about 23,000 new officers, but given they’re up 3,000 on 2010, she ought to be cheering recruiting 29,000 new officers. The numbers don’t lie that we’re only up 3,000 on 2010 though, unlike the Tory Home Secretary, it’s literally the home office’s own website that is publishing these numbers!


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