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Trump Was Right Again! 👀

1 year ago


  • 0/2000
  • President Trump's BIGGEST Mistake, was caving in and listening to the CORRUPT so-called expert of "follow the science" Dr. Fauci, the most OVERPAID, ROYALTY COLLECTING, POS in government, along with a CORRUPT CDC a b d FDA in which over 80% of their staff are paid by big pharma, and who also collect ROYALTIES. Therefore, since they all collect royalties, are in bed with big pharma, do you think they ALL have a vested interest in pushing the jabs???Then, the fear mongering MSM, are all funded by ad revenue from big pharma. Do you think they will report negatively against the ones that pay their salaries, pay the bills and keep the lights on??? I'm just grateful I can think for myself, and NONE OF THIS PASSED THE SMELL TEST FROM DAY ONE. By investigating less than 30 minutes researching things, I quickly learned it was all lies, operating on instilling fear in people, and TRUE medical science didn't support their reports. However, they planned for this well in advance. They had dry runs years before the release, they knew they had to smear, censored, and ban medical and other opinions that went against them, and with the help of a coordinated campaign between governments, MSM and SMS, they succeeded for a long time. Now they are starting again. DO NOT COMPLY!!!

  • Vax Daddy Trump & Fauci will be know in History as the World's Largest Public Mass Murderers, after pushing the Bioweapon Jab that has killed or injured millions of Americans!

  • McCullough, Kirsch & Carrigan data. Go look that up.

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