Dismantling Ethnic Studies-

10 months ago

Ethnic Studies like so much else has such a warm and welcoming name but do you know what's behind it? Some of my very informed friends and I have decided to peak behind the curtain and take a look. We are going page by page through the California Model Policy as it's the first to be released.

It's very likely that after Californias has started they will go national and we know that is the case as our governor has already appointed an ethnic studies commission.

If you've seen my videos. You know where I stand, I'm not afraid of difficult conversations nor am I afraid to speak about race. But I do stand up when I see something wrong and in this sample there is plenty! We found it to be heavily biased and found ourselves asking what does climate change gender studdies and SEL hav to do about learning and respecting culture?
Why is there a wheel of privilege? Does this help or harm our biracial families? and that's just the beginning.

I do appologize for my friends microphone we are not technology experts, but she's getting that looked at. Please like share and consider subscribing. This project is about helping parents protect their children and the more who hear it the better!

Knowledge is power friends

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