Trunks Special AMV

8 months ago

One of the videos I made around 2000 or prior, which I don't consider worth watching, but I am backing them up regardless. You must understand, this was an age when we were recording footage off of poor quality VHS tapes, often copied dozens of times with fan-subtitles embedded, sometimes even imported from Japan at a high cost. We only had dialup internet and RealPlayer codec compression to share our videos to the internet back then. Forgive how bad this looks, I beg you.
Of particular note to this video: This was one of the few videos where I decided I'd rather have censored clean footage from cable TV, rather than uncensored dirty footage from 10x copied VHS tapes. This was right when Funimation finally brought new DBZ episodes to cable TV many years after us hardcore nerds have seen the entire show in Japanese. Forgive the censorship.

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