Please Hold, The Refrigerator is Calling [EP13] Dear Food Podcast

10 months ago

🎉 Dear Food Workbook One – Chapter 10 🎉

Welcome to the Dear Food Podcast, where health, joy, and food freedom are not just goals, but real possibilities. I'm your host, Julia Fikse, and I'm thrilled to have you here with me today. As we journey through the triumphs and challenges of wellness, one thing is clear: victories are worth celebrating.

Introducing the STAY LOW acronym, a practical tool I've developed to help you navigate these tricky situations with the guidance of the Lord.

🙏 S - Seek Him: Our first step is to seek God first. Practically, this means redirecting our focus from food to God. Walk away from the temptation and turn to the Lord.
🙌 T - Trust Him: Embrace the belief that God is good and will help. Trust that God can assist in overcoming powerful emotions and challenging circumstances.
🙏 A - Ask Him: Invite God into the situation. Recognize that we need His help to navigate these challenges.
🙌 Y - Yes Lord: Be open to adjusting your desires to God's best for you. This willingness to align with God's will strengthens our faith muscle over time.

📖 L - Listen: Pay attention to how the Holy Spirit guides you. It could be a Scripture, a still small voice, or an encouraging message from another source that is in line with what the Word of God teaches us in the Bible.
👣 O - Obey: Act on the guidance received. This may involve discipline or stepping out of your comfort zone, but remember that God's ways are higher than ours.
🌟 W - Watch Him Work: Observe how God intervenes as you stay low. Be grateful for His providence and watch as He helps and works wonders in your life.

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Dear Food, I Love You. I Hate You. Don’t Leave Me!

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Disclaimer: Julia Fikse, FMCHC, NBC-HWC is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, specializing in Emotional Eating as well as Mental Health and Weight Loss. Julia has personally experienced the frustration of weight gain, weight loss, weight related health issues and emotional eating challenges. Julia is not a therapist or a doctor and this should not in any way replace doctor’s advice.

#DearFoodPodcast, #FoodFreedom, #WellnessJourney, #PracticalPrayer, #STAYLOW, #BalancedEating, #Victories, #JuliaFikse, #HealthCoach, #PodcastEpisode, #FoodStrongholds, #SpiritualBattle, #GodsGuidance, #PositiveReview, #FoodFaithful

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