Nelson Mandela - White genocide with a smile

9 months ago

Nelson Mandela is dead, and South Africa without “Madiba” will be much the same as it was before: a wreck of a country with slowly collapsing infrastructure, high crime, and the slow-motion genocide of Afrikaners.

None of this much matters to the opinion makers of what used to be the West. For them, the true hallmark of leftist totalitarianism isn’t brutality - it’s kitsch, and we’ll see plenty of that. Mandela was on every magazine cover, the Internet was drowning in sentimental schmaltz, and Facebook was littered with sanctimonious status updates.

The truth is, the saintly visage of Mandela - all crinkly eyes and warm smiles - conceals a violent past as a terrorist. He was the founder of uMkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress, and played a key role in the ANC’s embrace of armed struggle after a “general strike” failed miserably.
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