Starmer locks local Labour members out of their own bank account.

10 months ago

Broxtowe CLP has been paralysed since Starmer imposed a candidate on them. 6 months on it's only got worse.
Right, so Broxtowe in Nottinghamshire, I covered the story there in a video back in February of this year, where the local Labour Party’s favoured, local socialist candidate Greg Marshall was overlooked by the Labour right wing for the crime of being a socialist, for the offence of being selected by locals, in favour of a candidate from literally anywhere else, as long as they were Starmer’s pick, we’ve seen this story repeated around the country of course numerous times by now. Marshall is a longstanding councillor, experienced local politician, trade unionist, ran food parcel deliveries during the pandemic frankly a guy who knows his onions, definitely a threat to Starmer who doesn’t know his, well, political backside from his elbow. He also attacks the Tories and that’s a sacking offence to some in this Starmer regime. The entire executive of Broxtowe CLP ended up quitting over it, one of the biggest backlashes against his brand of authoritarianism we’ve seen anywhere, especially when the distasteful shortlist of out of area parachutes were presented as the choice before them. Not their choice, but that of Team Keith. Well it’s a bit of a testament to how Keir Starmer might well end up running the country, if we take a look at things in Broxtowe some 6 months on now and the state of the local Labour Party and it really does beg the question if he can’t run his own party at local level, how can he govern the country at local level or even national and is the treatment of his local Party in Broxtowe just a flavour of things to come for the rest of us, because they’re being treated like absolute dirt.
Now one thing Broxtowe Labour has become famous for is their Broxtowe Model, a method of community organising that has put the local Labour Party at the heart of the community, getting involved in community groups, helping organise them, secure funding via fundraising and even built up their own finances to use in the community from their events as well as trade union donations. It made the local Labour Party not just a fixture at election times, but all year round, an intrinsic part of the community, a real rarity, an inspiration in how to do politics right by bringing the party to the people when you don’t want something from them, rather than only ever when you do.
So, we’re 6 months on now. What is the state of things in Broxtowe now. Well after the local CLP executive officers all quit in solidarity with Greg Marshall, Starmer hasn’t been able to replace them. You see, not only was Broxtowe a strong locally orientated community focused CLP, it was also an avowedly left wing one, not just amongst it’s executive, but amongst it’s membership. As such, the officers posts remain vacant and the entire CLP remains defunct, because nobody will volunteer now to run it. Solidarity means something in Broxtowe and they’re not going to turn their backs on that like Starmer did the moment he became leader.


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