God Wins In The End

9 months ago

(Written by Ben Antoniadis)

The hive mind’s lost its mind
The AI gone haywire
The blind leading the blind
Whoring for the big lie

The globo goes bump in the night
Like a decrepit old hag with a gaslight
Creeping around in the shadows
Like a Peeping Tom outside your window

And the normies all fall into line
And toe the party line
Digging a hole where they stand
To bury their heads in the sand

Demented fools on the hill
Impose their delusional will
Upon the ones who can see
Through all their lies and deceit

Though the end is drawing near
There’ll be nothing left to lose, nothing to fear
When you realise truth is the light
That overcomes the darkest night

When people of goodwill will rise
With the light that shines in their eyes
For the freedom of the one in the wild
For the innocence of the child

The morning star fell long ago
With his blazing fallen ego
And still can’t get it through his thick head
That God wins in the end

When people of goodwill will rise
With the light that shines in their eyes
For the freedom of the one in the wild
For the innocence of the child

When people of goodwill will rise
With the light that shines in their eyes
For the freedom of the one in the wild
For the innocence of the child

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