Bahamas Interview on The Paul Leslie Hour

1 year ago

The Bahamas Interview is featured on The Paul Leslie Hour.

Are you here? If you’re here, won’t ya tell me?

I know you’re here because that’s where you’re comfortable, listening to The Paul Leslie Hour, a show that’s been going for 19 years and God-willing will keep on goin’! We have an interview today with a singer-songwriter, recording artist. He’s an act who goes by the name…Bahamas. Really nice fella. You’ll meet him.

Bahamas, birth name Afie Jurvanen, did this interview with Paul Leslie, quite literally, on the street of Atlanta, Georgia. He was playing at the Variety Playhouse years ago. They couldn’t quite find the right place and so they ended up walking down the street and sitting down on some steps right near the street. The original recording which went out over the radio was kind of noisy. You do what you can!

All these years later, we’ve cleaned up that recording so all of the good people on Spotify, Apple, iHeartRadio and elsewhere have the best listening experience possible.

We’ve got a lot of interviews and reviews that will be added for the remainder of 2023 on YouTube. You know, YouTube. Well, you can subscribe to_ _Paul Leslie’s YouTube channel and ring the bell, and you’ll always be in the loop, see. It’s free to do it and we’d sure appreciate it.

Before the interview begins, just keep in mind that Bahamas is going on tour this fall. Check him out. Tell him The Paul Leslie Hour sent you. Also, there’s a new record coming out on September 15th. You heard that here.

Who’s ready to hear what Bahamas had to say to interviewer Paul Edward Leslie? I think it’s time we listened. Together.

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