B.A.N.: Wireless Communication; SINCE 1872?

10 months ago

Some of you will recognize the post Civil War significant of 1871,
Unsure of when to start with this or where to end.
IMHO, I don't see the primary priority of this information, although important to be aware of early discoveries in science AND technology (combimed).
<[ and 5G crap ]>
Frankly, I think this gal might be letting paranoia drive her 🦇💩 crazy.
Some things, you can't do much or ANYTHING about!
(But DO do whatever you CAN do!!!)
Still, very important knowledge to have under your tin-foil thinking cap.

In the end, we can only rely upon our Creator and King,
Yet, considering such enlightenment, I would highly recommend looking into items that help to protect oneself from NEGATIVE energies.
Think, "Lord of the air".
Shungite, Orgonite, Terahertz, Quartz, etc.
Metalic like, crystalline materials.
(Consider the Biblical priestly breastplate.)

Personally, I've always liked black onyx with gold and/or silver with hematite.
{ and silver with blue turquoise } BLUE! 👀💙
Never heard of terahertz?

That's because THEY don't want you to know. 🤫🤐
Heck, type it and see that at least 2 of them instantly show spell correction.
See "CANCER ~ The Forbidden Cures"
"Human Pharming"
(They've removed more than a few "Vaccine" videos / info.)

At any rate, like I've conveyed, before, there were techy advances being made long ago, by and before the turn of the 20th century.

Here is the 1 hour+ version, if so inclined by your own interest.
(WARNING - She tends to drop the F-bomb a lot. Not as so much in this one.)
SOURCE: nonvaxer420

Anyway, say la vee! .. or C'est La Vie!
F-ing human language.

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