A Pope is dying... Jesus explains Deathbed-Scenes ❤️ Beyond the Threshold revealed thru Jakob Lorber

10 months ago

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Scene 7... A Pope is dying

Jesus Christus reveals thru Jakob Lorber on August 11th, 1847

1. In this instance we will begin at once with the beyond. We will observe a man, who had been playing a very great role, being finally of the opinion that the world existed only for his sake and that he could do as he liked. For he arrogated the actual stewardship of God, and that more than many another of his like. Notwithstanding all this, he had to “bite the dust”, and neither his presumed great power nor the world or the stewardship of God protected him against it.

2. Look over there, straight towards midnight, a very lean male figure of a very dark color is walking along slowly, looking around searchingly in all directions.

3. In his company you see a little man, like a pitch-dark monkey, who busies himself around our man and is acting as if he had some very important business with this man. Let us step closer, so that you may hear the strange monologue of this man, who is oblivious of both his company or us.

4. We are already close to him. Now listen, he says: “Everything a lie, everything deceit, and the deceived is the most fortunate; but unfortunate the deceiver, if he is knowingly a deceiver! However, if he is unknowingly a deceiver, lying and deceiving without realizing it, he can be congratulated. For in that case one donkey pulls another, and both are contented with the worst fodder. But I, what am I? I was a supreme head, all had to believe and do what I ordered. However, I did what I wanted, for I had the keys to power in my hands, like one who takes it without asking whether he is entitled to take it. I knew everything; I knew that everything is only a lie and deceit, but despite this fact I imposed falsehood and deceit under threat of punishment on everyone refusing to accept them and believing that everything issuing from me, written or not, has to be accepted as the full truth.

5. On the earth I thought: Physical death is the end of all existence. This was my secret, firm belief, and all the wisdom of the world could not have given me a different one! This alone I held to be the truth, and you see, also this is a falsehood; for I continue to live, although I have died in the body.

6. Heaven, purgatory and hell I had preached on many thousands of pulpits, issued letters of indulgence and canonized a great many deceased and ordered fasting, prayer, confession and Communion – and now I myself stand here, not knowing what is what! If there were a Judgment, I would be judged already. If there were a heaven, I should have the first right to it, for in the first place I had to become steward of Christ’s Church through the will of God. And what I then did as such was certainly also only a supreme will, for according to Scripture no hair of the head will be bent and no sparrow fly from the roof.

7. Thus I confessed and attended Communion according to the old rules, although I could easily have exempted myself. For I had the power to abolish confession, including the strict Communion for everyone, for all times, which, however, I could not and would not do for political reasons. Should there be a hell, I would have reason enough to be in it, for in God’s eyes every human being is a killer! At least I ought to be in purgatory, for this is said to be everybody’s lot for at least three days! But neither the one nor the other is my lot, therefore God, Christ, Mary, heaven, purgatory and hell are nothing but falsehood and deceit! Man lives only from the forces of nature and thinks and feels only according to the concentration of his inherent natural forces, which probably combine there to an eternally indestructible One.


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