August 22, 2023

9 months ago

Please email us:

We want YOU to be a part of this conversation so please email us with topics you'd love to have covered, shoutouts to special woman in your life, and/or send us a "Dear Bestie" letter to ask for advise from one or both of us (think "Dear Abbey").

On this episode:
 this episode of " Girl! Can You Talk?", Christy and Ana are giving you a little insight to their friendship and why NOW IS THE TIME to start talking about the HARD STUFF.  Christy was only 44 when she found herself struggling and feeling not quite herself. She started asking questions and most importantly getting answers about her hormones and finding her way back to herself. The girls share how and why TALKING ABOUT IT to each other and other women helped her feel better, stronger and more empowered. As this turn of events and daily conversations began to help Christy,  Ana embarked on an evolving life change of her own.   

     Ana, the keeper of the memories divulges some fun personal conversations she had with Christy through the years!  Christy cautiously prepares YOU, the audience for the spontaneous stories which Ana has archived from almost 40 years of friendship. You won't want to miss this! Ana clearly does not run everything by Christy before her unfiltered story time.

       Christy is still in the thick of raising her beautiful teenage girls! She shares her personal  stories of parenting in today's world. If you're in the middle of raising teenage girls you may find comfort in hearing similar experiences. A mom of young girls may get a little insight of what’s to come for you and your sweet cherub. If you’re like Ana, you may get a bit sentimental and sometimes a little giggle upon reflection of those days with your young daughters.

    These two ladies have the utmost respect for each other and have a passion to share their lives and friendship with you so you don't have to go at midlife and beyond alone! Get ready to be seen, heard, laugh, cry and maybe clutch your pearls and blush a little because they are holding NOTHING BACK!!! You will be saying "me too" and 
"Oh my gosh, my bestie needs to hear this too!".... Your life just got a little better with two new friends to share your life with! Cheers!

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