A Globalist Sneak Attack? I Summer Camp Meeting Session 2 "The Underground Railroad For The Remnant"

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Summer Camp Meeting Session 2 "The Underground Railroad For The Remnant" Pastor Todd Coconato

Website: www.PastorTodd.org

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Church website: www.RRCNashville.org

The Lord has spoken to me for many years about starting an “underground railroad for the remnant.” At first, when I heard this I had no idea what God was telling me. It took a lot of prayers and really seeking His heart to understand more of what He was trying to get me to understand. I believe we are in a unique period of time and that this season will not last too much longer. This is a time of preparation and separation before we go to the destination. God has shown me that we will indeed see a massive end-time harvest, unlike anything we have ever seen before. But, He also has shown me that simultaneously the creature comforts of the world will not be as readily available as they have been our whole lives up until now. Things are about to change. Supply chains will be disrupted even more than during covid. I believe that was only a test run for what is coming down the pike in the near future.

At some point in the next ten to twenty years, the freedoms that we have now will be greatly diminished. The United States will no longer be the superpower it is today, as the central planners have designed it this way, which is laid out in their writings and charters, in order to achieve their future plans. China has been propped up due to its lack of freedom and its ability to control its people in a way that the elites would like to see mainstreamed throughout the world. I consider it a test country for the globalists. Restrictions of religious freedom, mobility, and basic human rights that we enjoy in the West and take for granted are not available to citizens of communist China. The social credit system that is already in motion in China is being slowly rolled out in the West by means of banks and corporations. It’s a sneak attack as many don’t really just how much of their lives are tracked. Modern quantum computers are able to easily have a file on every single citizen on the planet. The data is already being compiled for future use. This is why it seems that our own intel communities are taking aim at American citizens now. During the pandemic, even some American pastors were arrested for simply wanting to keep their churches open, a basic constitutional right that would have never been infringed upon only a few decades ago. Yet here we are now. An America where the FBI labels parents “possible terror threats” for simply not wanting their kids to have to wear masks.

I believe one of my main callings is to prepare the remnant for what is to come. We need to establish an infrastructure and foster communities throughout the country that can circle the wagons and help each other as things progress. I envision a season where significant trade and barter will become necessary. I also believe that some may need to be housed and even hidden away as persecution rises to levels similar to that of what is currently taking place in China. We need to learn from and study the wins and key takeaways of the house churches and underground churches in China as this will help us prepare and be ready when this time comes. All it would take is some other type of major event such as covid, 9/11, or of that level to cause a major economic collapse, which may be planned, in order to set into place a new form of government structure worldwide. Most people don’t want to think of something that is seemingly so dark, but in reality, those who are studying the things happening right now can connect the dots and read the materials on many of their own websites and speeches to determine that this type of thinking isn’t really as far out as it may appear. I believe we still have a little more time, but now is the time to prepare as it may not be as much as many might think. I am determined to spend these next few years preparing and equipping those with ears to hear about such things. Some will fare better than others when this time comes.

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