The Origins of why Dogs are linked to our Deaths

1 year ago

Dogs have been used in funeral rites across Indo-European culture, and these rituals explain many things, such as why dogs are in the Wild Hunt and with Death Gods, but it also explains why our ancestors believed dogs took our "souls" into the other world.

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Modi, J.J. 1922. The Religious Ceremonies of the Parsees. Bombay
Scholz, Herbert. 1937. Der Hund in der Griechisch-Römischen magie und Religion. Diss. Berlin.
Meissner, R. 1921. Die Kenningar der Skalden. Rhein. Beitr. Zur germ. Philolgie und Volkskunde I
Meyer, C. H. 1931. Fontes historiae religionis Slavicae. Berlin
Roscher, Wilh. Heinr. 1896. Das von der ,,Kynanthropie" handelnde Fragment des Marcellus von Side. Abh. der Sachs. Ges. der. Wissensch. XVII. Leipzig

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