Did Jesus Bring Peace To The Earth? [Matthew 10:34 I Did Not Come to Bring Peace, but a Sword]

10 months ago

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It’s practically impossible to consume any source of media without being reminded of the vast amounts of death, division, and destruction plaguing our world on a daily basis. With such a great need for peace It is quite reasonable for one to ask the question, did Jesus bring peace to the earth?

According to Romans 5:1, Jesus brought to earth the ability for man to have peace and be reconciled to God through His death, burial, and resurrection. When we place our faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified we gain access to peace with God, which cannot be obtained otherwise.

Why then did Jesus say, I have not come to bring peace, but a sword? What did He mean and how can both verses be true? This is what we will be studying as we continue, let’s take a closer look together…

Is Jesus The Peace Of God
It’s so interesting Jesus wore many hats and had many titles. Jesus was called the Son Of Man, Son of God, Wonderful Counselor, and Mighty God. In Matthew 16:13 Jesus even asks, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is”? He is also called the Prince Of Peace, but is Jesus the Peace of God?

Jesus is the means by which we can have peace with God. Just as I said above the whole purpose of Jesus’s first advent was to make it possible for man to be reconciled to God the Father by paying the debt of sin that man owed, thereby bringing peace between us and God.

When we talk about Jesus and Him bringing peace we have to look at it in two different ways. There’s peace between man and God and there’s peace on the earth. These are two different things but eventually, Jesus will address both of them. During Jesus’s first advent the Jewish people had been waiting for a great king that would come and liberate them and restore the nation of Israel to the past glory It enjoyed during the time of King David. That will still occur but that’s not why Jesus came at that point.
Just like the Jewish people during the time when Jesus first came many people today are wondering what’s going on. Why is God allowing all of this death and destruction upon the earth? If Jesus came to bring peace why won’t he do something to stop all of the sufferings that we see every day? What many people don’t realize is that the problems that mankind face today are a direct result of us turning away from God and rejecting His law. Only obedience to God’s law will bring peace, disobedience will always bring death and destruction.

God is not double-minded. Consider this verse in Galatians 6:7-8, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life”. What kind of God would He be if He said we reap what we sow and then rescued us from our reaping? This is why it’s important to your peace to know what seeds you’re sowing because once they’re sown you can’t take them back.

In other words, if we don’t sow peace we shouldn’t expect peace. God wants us to be peacemakers and many people don’t have peace because they don’t promote peace. We must give what we wish to receive. Consider this verse from Galatians…

• Did Jesus Bring Peace To The Earth? [...

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