Real Canadians: Who are you voting for?

1 year ago

Rebel News Report:

By Sydney Fizzard
September 21, 2021

Real Canadians: Who are you voting for?

Some gave their reasons for voting, and I hope you watch the full video to hear what they had to say.

As you may know by now, yesterday was election day in Canada. I recently took a drive from Toronto to Calgary, and along the way I got to interview real Canadians. The type of people who mainstream media would otherwise leave out of the conversation.

In this report, I asked them who they would be voting for. Many of the individuals were undecided or otherwise not voting.

For those who were, many seemed compelled to vote against something, rather than for it.

Perhaps that speaks to the divide in our country as of late, or perhaps that's how our system naturally inclines people to vote— I cannot be sure.

Some gave their reasons for voting, and I hope you watch the full video to hear what they had to say.

This was one question of many so be sure to look out for their next appearances, and if you want to support more content like this go to to show your appreciation. This helps us send journalists across the country (the second largest in the world I should add) to get the other side of the story, and you know it's not something you'll see anywhere else.

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