Update Police continue hunt for Pastor while threatening church with million dollar fine

1 year ago

Update: Police continue to hunt down Pastor while threatening his church with potential million dollar fine
If you haven't heard already, currently there is a pastor on the run from the government in Manitoba. They want to put him in jail for the COVID crime of holding church.

His name is Pastor Tobias Tissen and since late last year he has been at odds with Premier Brian Pallister and the restrictions that have been placed on Manitobans, especially in regards to his church, the Church of God Restoration.

Throughout the pandemic, restrictions on church services have varied wildly. At one point churches were closed all together. Now, churches must force their congregants to wear masks and social distance, something Tobias says violates his religious freedom.

Last year Rebel News was on the scene when the RCMP went on a ticketing offensive at the church, and attempted to block the main road to prevent people from going to the church.

Recently we interviewed Pastor Tobias at an undisclosed location as there is now a warrant out for his arrest; however, he has told police multiple times when and where to detain him, yet they have chosen not to, the people trying to arrest him have so far avoided doing so likely because it would mean coming to the Church of God where Pastor Tobias holds his service, and the bureaucrats making these decisions don't want the optics of arresting a pastor right out of church, kind of like what we saw with Pastor Artur in Alberta.

Over there they chose to grab him on the way to service in hopes of avoiding a spectacle. They also grabbed another Pastor Tim Stephens in front of his crying children and frightened wife. Both men were held in jail for days.

Rebel News is currently helping Pastor Art by covering his legal expenses, to support him you can donate at www.SaveArtur.com.

Though the police haven't arrested Tobias yet, things have now escalated in other ways.

Earlier this week the church was a target of vandalism. But it's worse than that, if you can believe it: the church could now very well get issued up to a $1-million fine for repeatedly breaking the Public Health Act.

This is uncharted territory in Manitoba and appears to be an egregious display of overreach from the government, led by one of the most disliked politicians in the country. One who has now given sweeping authority to health bureaucrats in Manitoba, specifically, in regards to his “11th commandment.”


As it remains, Pastor Tobias will be in temporary hiding while not at church services, but will the church really have to face a million dollar fine? We'll continue to follow the story and provide any updates as things unfurl both in regards to the current warrant for Pastor Tobias as well as the ground-breaking fines this church may now be facing.

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