Keir Starmer announces he’s opposed to clean air.

10 months ago

Clean air policy is Tory policy now according to Keir Starmer and won't back it, in a shock example of not backing the Tories.
Right, so it’s no secret that I find Keir Starmer as appealing as a fart in a lift, but it seems whilst the Tories have stunk up the waterways of our country, Starmer has decided to attack the air we breathe instead has he’s decided in a very rare example of apparently opposing the Tories, he’s dropped Labour’s commitment to clean air zones in the country, claiming that: ‘Clean air zones are Conservative government policy. The Tories are the ones who have pushed councils to introduce them. Labour is not in favour of extra burdens on drivers during a Tory-made cost of living crisis. Labour’s priority is growing the economy to improve living standards and tackle the cost of living crisis, not pushing up costs for hard working families. We are committed to tackling air pollution and we will introduce a Clean Air Act, but we will always look at options for reducing air pollution which do not put the burden on hard working families.’ So basically we can’t have clean air according to Team Keith unless we vote for the Tories because it’s their policy, despite the fact Starmer is wedded to so many other Tory policies without worrying one bit about those and all on the basis of affordability because the Tories caused a cost of living crisis and Labour don’t see it as their job to fix their problems and ordinary people across the country shouldn’t be made to pay for that, even though they need clean air to breathe.’ It might be the stupidest thing Starmer has ever come out with. Has his hatred of tree huggers and climate change activists rotted his brain or is the air in Holborn and St Pancras Constituency now so poor it’s poisoned his mind? More likely it’s just him flip flopping again, because as one of the biggest liars in parliament, there’s always a receipt saying something else. Back in 2019 Starmer launched a clean air plan at Camden Council. He said at the time ‘air quality, climate change is the issue of our time and as the Extinction Rebellion protest showed us this week, the next generation are not going to forgive us if we don’t take action.’ That clean air plan stated ‘There are good signs ahead. Large scale policy interventions such as the Mayor of London’s ULEZ will help us make a big inroad into air pollution.’ Ah well perhaps the crux of Starmer’s change of heart then because the biggest clean air zone going right now is the ULEZ expansion across London that Labour mayor Sadiq Khan is flicking two fingers to Starmer over and pressing ahead with regardless.


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