the bed i'm sleeping in is one i'll never have sex in ever again

10 months ago

currently in the lull: the absolute worst place in the world
i don't wish the lull upon my worst enemy
the lull is essentially like writer's block
a buffet of amazing 5star food and no appetite whatsoever
...or maybe it's a bag of drugs that won't get chu high
everything is annoying me right now but don't worry, i know it's me
it's always me putting me in a bad mood
i feel bad wanting everyone to go away
nothin nice i'm gonna say so go away
that kinda sounds like a threat haha
damn space invaders, so annoying
i don't wanna be this stand offish but that is how i am wired sorry world
when am i not totally brutally honest so much so that you wish i'd never said a word
just the idea makes me wanna puke, not a joke
being a eunuch definitely takes the load off tho
i'd rather die than have a companion
even when i was young i couldn't imagine doing anything but run from this shitshow of a society
eventual somewhat consensual identity
i didn't choose any of this shit okay
it's still a choice to listen to that inner voice
do the opposite of what they do even if they don't like it
they dunno you, have to live yer life or pay yer rent
how much thought n time n effort did i expend on what never made me fine
none of that shit never did the trick
remember a time when i was trying fit in and be like them
just cos i'm sad don't mean i'm insecure or not trying to be pure
so much debris, man
every time i leave the house/get outta bed/go to's always such a shock
i understand why i do comedy tho

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