Smith Machine Shoulder Press

10 months ago

Smith Machine Shoulder Press

Target Muscle Group: Deltoids (Front & Side)
Suggested Tempo: 3-1-1-1

Helpful Cues:
• Position the seat such that the bar is as close to your face as you can without touching. This ensures shoulder health & better activation of the right muscles.

• Retract your scapulae (pinch your shoulder blades) and keep your chest nice and high. This creates a "power shelf" from which to drive safely and with power from.

• Grip the bar such that you can get your elbows nice and deep (grip a bit wider than shoulder width).

• Control the eccentric (negatives) for 2-4 seconds.

• Drive all the way through until the elbows fully lock out.

• Try adding a pause at the bottom of the rom to remove momentum and create a mechanical advantage for the concentric (push) phase.

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