Arrested and Evidence Deleted

11 months ago

Whitby police station 18th division
I attended court for this on May 31st. I was found guilty. Although I had a right to be there under the charter of Rights 2(b), I couldn't use that as a defense because you can't use your charter rights in court UNLESS you file for a charter argument in court before your trial. I learned a lot from this arrest and trial. This is my fault. I lost this case, I had no lawyer, and I did not know I had to invoke my charter rights before I went to court. This was a big-time learning experience. I've learned from my mistake, and the next time, and there will be a next time, I will go through the proper procedures and win the case. As for the deleted evidence, I've put complaints into the OIPRD, and they're being looked at right now. I will let everyone know the outcome of the complaints.

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