BCP: Anathema against the participants in the synodal LGBTQ path assembly in the Vatican (4-29 Oct 2023)

10 months ago

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The global assembly of the so-called synodal path is to begin on 4 October 2023. Its real intentions are hidden to this day. In fact, it pursues both spiritual and outward suicide of the Catholic Church in its very essence. The continental assemblies held from January to March 2023 purposefully prepared the conditions for this suicide of the Church. In January, Bergoglio said to the world’s media that bishops must undergo a process of conversion in order to welcome LGBTQ people in the Church.
It is absolutely clear that the Synod is about promoting LGBTQ ideology and unclean spirits. Jesus cast out these demons, but Bergoglio’s sect welcomes them in the Church. It is a process of destroying God’s commandments and the path of salvation, and this is a vile betrayal of Jesus Christ.
The basic step and the basic condition on the path of salvation is to repent and believe in the Gospel (cf. Mk 1:15). The invalid Pope, however, promotes a different path – the path of anti-repentance and pseudo-faith in an anti-gospel (cf. Gal 1:8-9). This results in eternal damnation. Let us understand: damnation is eternal, yes, eternal! This is the true face of the synodal LGBTQ path.
We learn from the daily press that Bishop Bätzing is pushing ahead with so-called new ideas of “how to found the Church differently” (24 July 2023). Francis gives his tacit consent to it. US Bishop Robert Barron said: “A lot of people feel alienated from the Church for different reasons. The Synod will deal with how to bring these people back to the Church.” A person is alienated from the Church by sin and he can only return by repentance. There is no other way back. But these prelates, alienated from God, refuse to repent themselves and do not lead anyone to do so either. Such a Church will not save anyone but, on the contrary, by legalizing and blessing sin it kills conscience and drags souls to eternal destruction.
The Synod, among other things, will be about ecclesiastical legalization of the absurd psychopathic synodal path of Germany and Belgium.
The following US delegates were appointed for the October assembly: Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Bishop Daniel Flores, Bishop Kevin Rhoades and Archbishop Timothy Broglio. Francis hand-selected Jesuit Martin, pro-LGBTQ agent of antigospel, and Cardinals Cupich and McElroy to take part in the Synod as full voting members. Barron hypocritically comforts the opposition party that there will be much discussion and voting at the Synod. But it is clear in advance that the invited prelates and lay people are mostly LGBTQ supporters, so the symbolic opposition will be shouted down and outvoted. This robber synod will then issue binding documents as a new teaching of the Church, legalizing immorality and heresies according to the model of the German and Belgian way. This is, in essence, organized deception and manipulation sanctified by obedience to the “Holy Father”. Finally, it will be hypocritically concluded with the statement: “Roma locuta, causa finita.” (Rome has spoken, the case is closed.)
An essential question arises: Is Francis, who promotes an LGBTQ antigospel and had himself consecrated to demons in Canada, a rightful Pope? If someone says he is, the Gospel of Christ is no longer true and the Church is no longer the Church of Christ but the pseudo Church of Antichrist.
Cardinal Müller, the former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, commented on the synodal path as follows: “The synodal path is doctrinally incompetent and canonically illegitimate.”
A realistic view of the current situation both in the world and in the Church has been given by the former US nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò, who said that the Deep State and the Deep Church, the latter headed by Bergoglio, are in unity.
Why did Jesus establish His Church? To save souls. He certainly did not establish it for the false apostles (2Cor 11:13) to change God’s and Christ’s commandments and to drag people to hell. We are currently witnessing the greatest crime of abuse of supreme authority, both papal and apostolic. These pseudo apostles with their pseudo Pope use religious rhetoric and introduce heretical teachings to make Catholics mediums of unclean demons.
The new model of Bergoglio’s anti-Church is a rebellion against God. If the bishops of America are concerned with true re-evangelization and faithfulness to Christ’s Spirit and teachings, let them radically reject participation in the October robber synod. By doing so, they will publicly demonstrate that US Catholics are not involved in the programmed suicide of the Catholic Church.
On 4 July, the shocking film “Sound of Freedom” was released in US cinemas. Criminal child trafficking is the heinous fruit of the legalization of sexual Q-deviations. By welcoming LGBTQ, the October Synod in the Vatican also legalizes monstrous crimes against children!
Bergoglio vehemently promoted so-called sexual education, which is a systematic demoralization of children, during his flight from Panama as early as four years ago. He publicly spoke in favour of “sex without rigidity” for children. He urged parents in Ireland not to prevent their children from changing their so-called sexual orientation. By kissing the feet of a transsexual, he de facto approved criminal gender reassignment. Bergoglio strongly condemned a two-million-strong demonstration held in Rome against gay child abuse through so-called adoption. He stated this year that homosexuality, and thus also paedophilia, must not be criminalized.
The bishops of the USA, but also the other bishops, who will nevertheless participate in the October criminal Synod will bring upon themselves God’s anathema – expulsion from the Mystical Body of Christ as well as a latae sententiae excommunication. The invalid Pope Francis has already many times brought upon himself this expulsion and God’s curse. It should be borne in mind that the Church currently has no Pope; it is in a state of sede vacante. An archheretic expelled from the Church cannot be its head! Whoever obeys him places himself under the curse, anathema. This is the spiritual reality based on the Holy Scriptures and on the Tradition of the Church.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

2 August 2023

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