Newt Gingrich | Fox Business Network | Kudlow | August 9, 2023

1 year ago

Newt talks with Larry Kudlow about the GOP's split on a possible Biden impeachment.


Well, first of all, when you announce an inquiry and you dramatically broaden the House's ability to subpoena witnesses and there are a lot of people that we want to hear from. We don't really know the depth of the problem. And frankly, the problem isn't just Joe Biden or Hunter Biden. The problem, as Andy McCarthy indicated in a book back in 2019 called Ball of Collusion. The problem is Obama deliberately corrupting and politicizing the Justice Department. Hillary Clinton figuring out that she could cheerfully take millions of dollars and nobody in the Obama Justice Department, whatever prosecutor Joe Biden learning, hey, if Hillary can do it, I can do it. And then the kind of blatant, overt selling of American influence to foreigners, which in Hillary's case included 20% of America's uranium going to the Russians. And in return for, I think, a $35 million grant to the Clinton Foundation. At the same time, you have all these things with Hunter and with Joe and let me make a point. One thing I really disagreed with in Devin Archer's otherwise very helpful testimony. This is not about branding. Joe Biden goes to Europe, to Ukraine and gives a speech using $1,000,000,000 of American tax money as a bludgeon to threaten the Ukrainian government. And by the way, we were then going to go to the International Monetary Fund and block another $40 billion unless they fired the prosecutor that Burisma was afraid of. Now, that is not something about branding. That's called bribery. It's specifically mentioned in the Constitution. But the truth is, today, we don't know when the speech was changed. We do know that because Joe Biden himself is on videotape telling the Council on Foreign Relations in New York that he did it and that they caved. And he was very proud of that. So., you have to ask yourself is how do we dig out all the different things that are hidden away here? And that requires, I think, an inquiry. And I think that that Speaker Kevin McCarthy has it exactly right. The next stage is a thorough inquiry, digging into all the details, bringing it all to the surface. And I would say not just about Biden but about Hillary and about the corruption of the Justice Department. This is a much deeper, much bigger scandal. And we're not ready to jump to an impeachment because we first need an inquiry to learn what the facts are.


I actually haven't looked into. My guess is it does. And my guess is that they would win that vote because it doesn't cross the threshold of of saying he's guilty. It says these are things we deserve to know. And frankly, as the evidence I mean, I think the debate over the inquiry would be fascinating or the Democrats are going to go up and say, no, we don't want to know if he was selling out to the Russians. Kazakhstan, Romania, Ukraine and China. I mean, they're going to say they don't want to know. There's a point where the three monkeys that are dumb, deaf and blind, it becomes sort of a bad symbol for a political party.


Now it widens the scope of what you're looking at. It allows you to subpoena more documents, more information. For example, there's apparently a phone paid for by Burisma. I mean, I'm sorry, paid for by Hunter's company, which apparently was Joe Biden's secret phone that the Secret Service didn't have access to, may not have known that existed. Well, they need to get those records from AT&T and find out who was calling that phone. How often was it being used? I mean, there are just there are so many specifics that we don't know yet and they lead in so many directions that I think it's very important. Let's first get the facts straight. And I think this very measured, very calm approach that Speaker McCarthy has advocated, the three committees, Judiciary Investigations and Ways and Means are doing a good job. They're coordinating, they're sharing information. And I think that presently we will know much more about how much corruption has marked the life of the entire Biden family

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