Scott Ritter on the TOTAL Denazification of Ukraine

1 year ago

“Ukraine has now suffered more casualties than the U.S. suffered in all of #WWII,” says former U.N. Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter in his latest update on the war between #Russia and #Ukraine.

#ScottRitter explains why “nothing less than the total denazification of Ukraine will solve this Nazi problem. But what will that look like, and how will it work? How do we de-Nazify a region that has been infested with fascist ideology for a century?

Delving into some history, Scott explains how after WWII, Western intelligence services recruited former Nazis and helped them flee prosecution at Nuremberg, hiring them as spies to fight the Cold War against the Soviet Union. Many Ukrainian #Banderites and #Nazi nationalists emigrated to the U.S. and Canada, bringing their hateful ideology with them.

We discuss the plight of Julian #Assange, and its importance to both journalists around the world, as well as the public’s right to know what governments do in their names. Without #WikiLeaks, what would we really know about the wars of the past 20 years, for example? What would we know about how our own political system is rigged? Or how huge global corporations work hand-in-glove with U.S. intelligence agencies?

In closing, Scott has a few choice words for his detractors and attackers you won’t want to miss!

We spoke to Ritter for more than 3 hours in this Maverick News marathon; see my Scott Ritter playlist for the full fascinating conversation.

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