My mission is to teach people to be their full selves

11 months ago

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My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves

In this Explosive video- we look to heal aspects of Kari’s injured child and her relationship with her sister ( think some of the Bernd Hellinger, ‘Family Constellation’ construct), as well as identify my mission and explain what work I did the day before, capturing and neutralising disruptive dark forces.

51.00minutes Kari says: “SO what you are doing- so what is your mission? Is your mission to teach all these things that you’re teaching me, for free, which I love, - Im attracted to and I want to be part of it- because it gets me higher than a kite and empower every time, by talking to you.”
51.1- “My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

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Bernd Hellinger Family Constellations

We visit Kari as a little child. We are looking at healing a relationship struggle.
.33 We place the three year Old Kari in some familiar clothes in order to get closer to the feeling of the past events.
1.01 I ask Kari how she now expresses anger if she feels furious. Cussing with her sister or sleeping or eating if she’s alone. So keeping the anger inside. We establish this was the first time she was abused.
2.00 I ask Kari to give her little girl all the colourful words she can find…..and a free-flowing mouth. We look to set the historical scene in order to take her tot he emotional place. We look for clothing, a teddy bear, we finally remember the home she is in.
3.45 We create a’ memory button’ on Kari’s three year old body, (she chooses her belly button- cord to Source), so she can press it to release the anger she feels when we go in to the time to release and change the patterning.
4.20 Using the Aikido effect: Everything that she has taken n that was not here’s, she is going to express out- in a plume, until every single piece of that energy has left her. We do a count-down.
5.10 She is hiding behind the covers…we press the button…Kari starts expressing…..
6.10 We use the “i command my spirit to remove everything for me that is not authentically me”.
7.00 We gently move through the ladder of time- she comes with Kari up to present time. We look at her shoulder that was hurting- to check if she is carrying something that was not hers. checking.
7.50 She says she does the things that make people treat her badly. We know this is just the result of taking on energy which is not hers. I exhort her to tell it to leave her now.
9.00 She tells it to go onto uncertain terms. Using the command my spirit….using the entire soul essence
10.20 Our bodies have ; “echo resonance” because the energy remains embedded in the three d matrix of cells and structures. As soon as the feeling comes up again, use the command of your spirit to remove it until it is no longer there in form or in echo.
10.40 (We are cut off…But Kari felt what I was saying :D )
10.50 I remind Kari of my shamanic story of the little doll, my older sister and the peeling skin- yawning for release, because I have been so busy today!
11.59 “You little shaman-witch-magic-voodoo-lady!” Kari’s reaction :D
12.20 Kari feels the difference in her shoulder. - Just wanting to stretch.
13.00 We get to my thing now, about ’being hidden’. Within relationships, knowledge and wisdom hidden for the public…
14.00 There are good reasons for being ‘hidden’ - it is about the timing of things… but I suspect there is more information about this.
14.50 Kari shares about the energy dynamic between her and her sister. “She’s shutting me down again!”
17.00 On some level the sister is jealous- because in her child mind, it’s as though the attention of the dad was given more to Kari than her.
18.10 We could invite the sister- docking-on to her soul room, telling her briefly that what energy Kari received was not good- that she was a gate-keeper, so that the little sister would not be harmed.
19.00 I am personally not ‘sold’ on “soul-contract-stuff” . Contracts within reincarnation and soul-entrapment by external entities, yes, sadly these exist…but the rest, an illusory explanation to try to justify pain.
19.17 I sense, knowing Kari, she would have tried to step in front so that he didn’t do to her what he did to her. I ask Kari to explain this to her sister’s soul.
20.00 Kari wants to cry- she puts her hand on her sister’s soul room and tells her….
20.45 I exhort her to tell her sister how she protected her from the papa. - the rage.
21.30 Again encouraging Kari to tell her sister what she did FOR her- putting herself between them.
21.50 “You just did it, that’s who you are: you’re the one that cuddles all the people who are totally underserving.”
22.00 I just answer another thing for Kari: “I took on Dad’s rage..”
22.20 I encourage Kari to take all the rage she absorbed and MAKE it into something. She puts it into t he porcelain statue…she shatters it…
23.00 “I stepped into protect you..” Kari is able to say it clearly now.
23.32 Encouraging Kari to give her sister an example- so that she can believe and understand this.
23.45 I verbalise this for her ( this is Family Constellation work- putting yourself in the others’ shoes to enable verbalisation of the dynamics for healing.)
24.24 Looking through possible solutions…..looking at accessing more Family Constellation-style.
25.05 Kari starts to access memories….as do I- verbalising the inner rage of the sister…
26.00 “Who are you to say what I can take? Let me be as much as you as well…I am not going to be made into this little weakling, just because you keep taking it, you keep taking! Do you think i like to when I see him keep hurting you? I don’t like it. You should let him do it to me he’s both our Dad’s, what are you talking about?”
26.20 Kari gets the wish to be the strongest one in the family ( or is that Kari?) and tells of conversations they have had.
27.00 Kari compares her work ( sexual healing for couples and singles) as ‘nothing’ compared to what her sister sides. I stop here and show her how BIG her emotional work IS. Energy in motion….
27.30 The sister is pissed off with Kari for saying what she does is not big- and what Akri did back then was ALSO big- protecting her…but :l”et me have a piece of this cake- I don’t like it, it is disgusting….but let me be powerful and strong - let me in on this….I want to be there with you. I love you, let’s stand up together with this guy…!“
28.00 Because Kari kept her sister in the dark, the sister pushed for revelation of what was ACTUALLY going on- because children ALWAYS push for truth. They sense the hidden and the lies and the distortion and always push for the truth. I explain my own example with my youngest son and his dad.
29.00 Kari: “Wow! This is very enlightening… I am glad I don’t have to pay you for this, because this stuff would be very expensive.”
29.11 I say this stuff should be normal: we should be able to have land and talk to it to materialise precious metals….this is actually how the true Earth world…an energetic being of abundant cooperation.
29.45 Kari: “I am starting to get that form being around you- you wont settle for any negative energy getting you down- surrounding yourself with beauty and joy. I get that you had to learn to do that- or die.”
29.55 I keep breaking every ‘rule that’s known to man’… talk about legality of bills and the smart meter installer who I said a flat “no” to and had a sweet chat encouraging him to find a better position in the company where he wouldn’t be exposed to the dangerous radiation. Hi company is ruled by AI…making this man owe his company 400 hours….
31.11 We have to turn all these systems upside-down. I describe the work I did yesterday. (You can watch the video )
42.— Having explained all of that I suggest that “the whole ‘hidden’ thing won’t be for long.” As my being knows I am not living the full experience….a discussion to enable everything to move forward..
(which I did…see the video of 9th August….ooh ooh!)

51.00 Kari: “SO what you are doing- so what is your mission? Is your mission to teach all these things that you’re teaching me, for free, which I love, - Im attracted to and I want to be part of it- because it gets me higher than a kite and empower every time, by talking to you.”
51.1- “My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that. “

How to Expand Beyond Limitation- when you want to live in a world of goodness and love but fear holds you back from every direction. Now is the time to take back our Sovereign Integral- be Human Beings who create with our Source-Energy, the infinite power of our Creator, stepping beyond every imposed limitation. If we do not, we will be forever bound. If we do, we give ourselves the lives we dreamed we should always have: freedom of choice, of movement of speech, of belief.
You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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