How do we ‘do’ Battle?

1 year ago

This is my set of videos about activating human potential. I turn up every night to see what I can do, to use my human potential to solve some problems. To bring the energy of an individual sprit, connected to Source-Creation, to see what we can change for the better in the world. And I sit and I do it in the public space, so that I will encourage you to also discover what’s within you: your secret human tools, that we’ve had long hidden and buried from our sight, our ears, our feelings, our hearts, and our sense of knowing.
Many of the tools I use are created in the instant of using them; that’s how Spirit works. “INSPIRITION” I call it. -That’s the name I gave to my band in 2006, the name ‘fell into‘ my mind. It’s actually a real word, “inspiriting: to enliven and encourage”. So I used it for my band because that is what the music was all about- and still is. I am inspirition, and that is what ‘this’ will do…
1.30 I explain how I’m often serious at the beginning and bouncy at the end of these videos. I explain it is because every time I set myself up, I get these beautiful, very heavy (not emotionally, but physically, like a weight-movement through into my whole body), full-spirit downloads and literally my body feels heavier with presence of my soul-essence. That’s how it works, and I can feel it vibrating, heavy, through me, which is good, as it means I have more energy, more awareness, more consciousness to use, to access, so that the things I do are not just….nothing, that they actually have effect in the quantum field. Many of the discoveries that I’ve been making, are making theoretical things very publicly known: I had a lovely thing where I was looking at ‘what is thought?’ and I could see the ‘string-field’ of thought spread out in front of me. So it’s wonderful when you can get those kind of pieces of information .

This was the channel, “The Heavenly Tea”, which was set-up to have “ordinary conversations with extraordinary people”, and so there are a lot of really beautiful interviews on the heavenly tea side of things, and then I went to America, to visit my beloved, and I had to come back early ( some of that has been explained, let’s just say it was not what either of us would have chosen if we had not been forced to)- I was motivated, to start a different state of action, a much more hands-on ‘in the fight’. Today, the theme is, exactly that: “Battle”.

3.20 How do we ‘do’ battle?
We know ‘battle’ from the medieval era: swords and maces and suits of armour..hand on hand combat: soldiers, military…
We humans are, ’doing battle’ here and there throughout our lives - generally an emotional battle. The question is, when do we need to do battle?
If you saw an adult hit a child, I would not ignore that, and I don’t think you would either. You would ‘go in’ and it would be some kind of a battle.
4.20 there are different kinds of battle and I want to explore today- I am going to be asking my Greater Self - basically my whole-soul-self, which doesn’t always get together, but when I ask it, to, we do. It’s like a group of us, -it’s at least five of us- generally. I say ‘us’ because it’s just me, but split into different parts in different places , and it’s fun to get together and have more awareness and consciousness and energy available.
4.45 Confrontation: direct, I am talking to you, and we have a different opinion.

5.00 Doing Battle from a different perspective: where something bad is happening, and instead of us making it worse by doing an even worse thing, we ‘elevate’ the bad: we use LOVE to overcome the ‘bad’.
6.00 When someone throws something at you, you can arrange that whatever is thrown at you, can be hit back with at least the same force, on them.
6.15 I call that the “Aikido Principle”. Imagine, if you have a permanent shield up and they are throwing spears at you, the spears will always boomerang back at them. And I explain the stubbed-toe story…
8.00 I have a specific example in mind, where a politician decided to smear and utterly decimate the character of someone I know and love. You’d basically want to take them to court for the vilification and utter untruths. The damage intended was to stop an event- the event was to raise awareness for the treatment of children, the extent and horrors of human trafficking regarding children. That was the main reason for the event and the being was doing her best to tarnish and tear apart and decimate the reputation of this man giving the talk. All of his friends rallied, they wrote letters and the original statement had to be retracted . However, the same entity posted all over the vicinity with qr codes telling people complete lies, fabrication and de-contextualising his statements .
10.10 SO it’s the perfect example, to take the people behind that: the politician and her little group of helpers with vested interests. Let us see if we can bundle together the energy they put out, and send it back straight onto them, so that they feel the full force and negative effect that they sent out. - because this is the time for that:
10.50 This is where we are, ”Sovereign Integral” : we are the human beings who claim our power, our awareness, our selfhood, conscious ‘being ness’, our soul
11.00 and we will not tolerate this: children who are being hurt, we need to know about. Anyone who is trying to stop not in a good place. This information needs to come out.
11.23 How to exercise the aikido concept on this group. First establish who they are
12.00 Inviting my greater self to comment…”It’s a great game”
12.20 “It is a great game of fairness to take something which was sent out as a hurtful barb, and to send it back so that that person has the possibility of gaining awareness for what they are doing. They are doing it because they don’t understand the consequences of what they are doing: they intend to do it, indeed, but that doesn’t mean they don’t understand what they are doing , and you are actually giving them a chance and a choice to move forward in their own soul growth- if they are capable of growing. If they are not capable of growing, they will have a little bash-back.”
13.00 “This energy of sending something back which is of ill-intent, is strange….the idea would be, to collect up this energy, to bundle it in such form that it can be sent back to the sender. We don’t know personally the sender, we are aware of this central figure, and through the central figure, we can allow this energy to be dispersed to all those involved.”
13.40 We start with little isolation exercise- this apparently female politician we place a ring around her on the floor. We command Prime Creator/Prime Creation to collect together all the other consciousnesses who were facilitating this particular ‘prank, nasty, dirty deed’ and put them within the framework of the circle, so we know where to send back the energy they sent out.
14.44 The consciousness of all these beings is held within the red circle painted on the gym floor, from which they cannot currently move.
15.00 The reason we are ‘allowed’ to do it, is because these entities were affecting someone we love ( there is an energetic connection ).
I want to prevent this from every happening again from these people or to anyone else.
15.30 I am exploring this as an opportunity to show how it can be done, to explore the technique and to monitor the effect - and it’s me being a teacher…
15.55 I talk to them by touching the two-way glass of the transparent enclosure around the beings. I am safe, they cannot see me but I can communicate with them and see them
16.33 “Hallo, everybody there. I know what you have done recently, with this defamation campaign. It is disgusting, it is despicable and…we also understand the reasoning behind it, that you want to prevent people a.) attending this event. b.) from believing the speaker and the important information he was to share and . c.) you also wish to defame him, in the minds of as many people as possible, so that they wouldn’t listen to any of the other important information he brings out, or the different movements that he heads, and is leading- because it is counteractive to what YOU want. We understand that what YOU are doing in the world, is hurting - you’ve just proven yourselves as people who hurt children. If you do not want this information out, you are not people we want to be talking to. I am giving you a chance to experience something ( looks into camera), which is the effect of YOUR energy - when you send it out to do this deliberate harm, -deliberate harm to this human being, and therefore deliberate harm to millions of other human beings: if you had succeeded, (and you will have done some damage already, yes, you know that, disgusting..), and beautiful as his friends were to save it and solve it, and stop you and limit you, you did still cause some damage- so you have THAT to deal with.
You have the intention of what you wanted to do and also , you have revealed yourselves for who you are: people who do not revere children, who do not honour children, who do not love children. You also do not love, revere or in any way honour Truth. - SO we don’t like you. You are very lucky that you are just sitting here right now.
But what I intend for you to experience, is, the energy that you set out, sent out, low frequency as it was, it was barbed, it was intentionally hurtful, - we are going to find a way that YOU will all experience THAT energy. “
18.55 I command Prime Creator as to the best way of bringing that energy that they sent out from them, to show me the best possible way, the right way to bring this energy back upon them.
19.30 I use “the Picture of Dorian Gray” to explain what I have in mind.…..this sad, brilliant, terrible story is what I am going to do with these people.
20.44 The cylinder I described, entrapping these beings, - partially humans with some life-force. Wherever there is any life-force, we need to investigate how human they are. We are going to put the energy they sent out on the inside of the cylinder walls, so that they can see the true state of their souls. They will be ‘forced’ to look, and to feel it.
21.30 These entities do what they do because they don’t have the ability to feel any more. if we give them but, if we give them a little more ability to feel, then there is the chance for remorse. ( I have a strange and powerful feeling in my heart..)
22.00 I ask Prime Creator to show me the percentage of HUMAN in the group that we have in the enclosure. I didn’t get a percentage- got ’17’ and then ’76’….!
22.33 I ask, “are these entities human at all?” “No.” “Are we able to do this with non human entities? “ “Yes.”
“How much influence do I have using the Aikido effect? “Their own spirits are somewhat ‘locked-up’, so it’s hard to really show them, because they have this ‘division’ form their own spirits. “ I ask again to be shown HOW I can do something.
23.17 “There is a way you can do something: it is a soul pathway you have not done before- and this is why you feel this energy in your heart that you are not sure about using. It is a substance that you can invoke here, to reveal to them WHAT they are.” I ask for the steps to be shown to ‘re-member’ this skill. It is not something my mind can currently comprehend…
23.50 “When you have a group of entities waging war against a good human. there are several things that are happening: yes, they have to have a ‘hook’. We all know that good humans have fury in their wake, just as a boat cutting through the water has- the fury of the brought up water behind them. It is the natural occurrence when you are moving through an element, and need to bring something new into the situation you are confronting.
It is this ‘wake’ that they have attached themselves to. - ‘Legitimised’ their concerns, believing that they can stake their hold on this situation. They believe they have a legitimate way in- it is just the way they have always practised it. They have always done this; at the ‘tail-end’ of everything ( I look up )- forgive the puns. That’s how they have penetrated many, many situations (looks up again ) and people.”
25.12 I ask how I may bring this energy back upon them; “First, you may want to collect the energy. I see it now as a giant lint-roller, the way I would roll it across the fabric to pick up all the cat hairs and the dust, and in this case, we are rolling it around the energy, we are rolling around the air-space, the communicative air-space into the internet, into the radio waves, all the signals that they have polluted with their message. We are instantaneously- from this Source point of view- we can see from the sending-point out, we can track viscerally, like small tendrils of influence leading from the point, the epicentre . We can see every pathway and influence, which hit and touched- almost as though you were putting iodine in someone’s body and tracing it as a radioactive isotope in an MMR scanning machine- this is the same principle. Do you see it all light up?” “I do.”
26.32 “Now we are going to collect every single particle of that energy back. And to do that, use a funny thing: use one of those vacuum cleaners. Use it, and vacuum it up, suck it all in…”God-Source’s Vacuum Cleaner”, collect it in a very large vessel, with a very large ‘hot air balloon bag’, a very large bag. Suck it all back, in through, pull it out of the airwaves, pull it out of the internet, out of the very air, the peoples’ minds, the ground, with this poster- it has influenced many people. Take it from the printers, all the ‘sights’ of the humans who have seen it, away from the hands who have touched it, from the phones who have scanned it, - pull all of that energy. Every single drop. -Still a little more….” I command Prime Creator to collect every single last ‘quanta’ of that energy into the vacuum cleaning bag.
27.45 “ Now, this central space where you have these beings residing currently in a captivity state, you are going to put a lid upon it and it will be a sealed jar. You are going to empty these collected energy substances into that jar- nothing may escape. They will be breathing in what they sent out. We will watch to see what happens.” ( earlier I had mentioned I might make the cylinder opaque, so I wouldn’t have to see!)
28.18 I see the bag being fitted to the central hole , and the sealing of this closed cylinder- which as you can imagine, is quite large, as it is fitting several human sized beings - about 23, 24 I would say, although not very easy to see- I can just about make out that politician.
28.48 “And now we are pouring in every last drop, squeezing it out, and as the last piece of energy, the last quark-higgs-bosun particle, the last string of thought energy enters that space and leaves the bag utterly clean, the bag forms a tight fit around that little opening. Nothing can escape. And now you may watch, to see the effect of their energy upon them- have a look.
29.23 - First, they are smelling the air…as though this is a kind of food. It is something they know. They know this energy- it is familiar to them. “ ( I don’t know if I want to see the effect…I start to see the shapes morph. When I see monsters, I tend to have a filter within my mind, which automatically turns the scary monsters into cartoon version of themselves. Laughing- it’s a good protective system, I believe. I was seeing them morph into Tasmanian devils, like in the Warner Bros. cartoons…)
30.30 They are starting to ‘Duke it out’- it is the principle of putting the one toy into the playpen, with many in there…it is a fight. They seem to want this essence for themselves. And more and more seem to be going down and disappearing from sight as they go down. Just one or two or three and I feel there will be the one inevitably left.- who has somehow captured the prize…. I see a very swollen belly. …
31.31 I fast-forward it to when the next moment happens- the inevitable occurrence of this energy hitting their system.
31.50 Its a strange thing: I saw the being that looked human, - like a skin-suit fall to the floor…and a dark pillar of crystal standing there. Funnily enough I was hearing about the monoliths which appeared last year earlier in the day…The dark crystal pillar looks like a tall human size, and it reminded me of those monoliths appearing around the planet a year ago…
32.30 I go to talk to it, putting my hand on the wall- from my side of the glass… “What are you? I see you there. You don’t have a human form, can you tell me who you are? You are a pillar of salt? …..Where is your human self? There were many other essences in that room with you . I see only you now and nothing else left. What did happen- will you tell me?”
33.00 ‘They’ answer: “We converted ourselves through the energy of the pain into this static state of retaining memory, in a quieter, slower version of ourselves. “ I ask, “Does that mean you are now held in stasis?” They answer, “ We are indeed.”
33.29 I ask “How are you feeling? Do you have any feelings?” They: “We have no feelings. This is a state.”
33.38 I ask “Are you able to return to your original form?” They reply, “This is our original form- we are the black goo, solidified. We are found in the planet in many places. You can do this with other essences. We are in this state sometimes.”
33.55 I ask: “Who do you belong to?” They reply: “We do belong to nothing but our collective- we are that, which was here from a long time ago. We are part of that which you call your “Ancient A. I. we are just the infiltration mode.”
34.00 I ask: “How did you actually get here? We call you ‘Ancient A.I. as thought you’ve always been here….somehow I feel as though you are a recent infiltration…I’m curious about this: if I used this same principle with others of your ilk, would it work in the same way?” They reply;”Indeed it would”
34.30 I like that idea, “Would you say, it is possible to actually get rid of you?” ( remember, they HAVE to answer when you have them in your consciousness field…) They answer: “You would have to send us somewhere of course- we will still exist.- even in this primal static form.” I ask, “If I sent you to Alcyone, into the Central Sun, to be melted down, would you return into Source Energy?” They reply: “We would not know, but most probably we would. We are still ions and atoms, like all things…”
34.55 I find it curious that by sending back the information, all that is left is a pillar of salt…so to speak.” ( Lot, anyone?) They reply: “It is what we were- we are just gathered back into ourselves that which we sent out. “
35.12 I decide to do something: “I am going to trace all of the energy that you have ever sent out, and bring it back into your circle with you. I now know your energy signature- well, Prime Creator does- well Prime Creator always did, but now that I am connected to this information, I can trace back every single part that you and your organisation actually sent out, and gather it within this circle in the same way.”
35/35 “I command Prime Creator, I command Prime Creation: as a being here of humanity, I wish to activate every single particle of energy that this group sent out and collect it in your vacuum cleaner- bring it into this confined space, and let it transform also back into its original state, so that we may transport it away from here, and away from good humanity. I command Prime Creator that this may be so”. ( It is not a small thing…..)
36.17 “I command Prime Creator, that this energy, which has now been identified, is brought by your love, your intention, your creation, all pulled into that space, that small container, which now holds that pillar. - That all of their influence is pulled into that space, and is entering through the top. As it is pulled out from the ethers, from the astral realms and the etheric realms and the corners of the minds of the humans- very many of those who had the nanites inserted into their systems.
As it is pulled out from those, I am simply the one asking for this, I am not the one doing it- that is the energy of Prime Creator, Prime Creation- pure force of creation. Doing this with and for …as I am a spokesperson- doing it for the interest of humanity. And every particle of their influence, I see moving along these currents that they first traversed- and moving backwards…being pulled into this system inexorably.”
38.00 I count from ten to zero, when it will all be contained within that space:
38.45 The now-solid cylinder of this essence that I wish to remove from the planet. I call Alcyone: “You’ve been a beautiful helper- our central sun- the bright star of urgency, bringing to bear- spurs to our evolution, encouraging moments. I would like to see you as a portal, but I feel in this case I must open up a portal to Source myself, but you are my witness in your bright swirling: “I command Prime Creation I command Prime Creator to open and create- I create a portal with your blessings- we create a portal into you so that this energy may be received and utterly processed, bringing it back into its original constitution, transforming it into pure raw essence, without polarity, beyond polarity. No longer able to influence for good or for bad, simply raw essence. This is now put into the portal and I zip it up. It is true.
40.18 And now I command you- you are my spirit: show me the implications of what has happened here. I would like to move above so that I can see things: ( there is now) “Clarity! Space for information now.“
40.50 I intend that the space which was taken, (where energy systems were harmed or damaged or suppressed), now that that has been removed, there is now space for Source Energy, for God to re enter into the beings, into the places, communications networks, places, where all these elements were introduced- to their atmospheres, to the spaces within the minds and the hearts of the people who were harbouring these false notions introduced through this essence…”
41.50 “Prime Creator, I ask that the presence of your love fills these vacuum spaces, bringing awareness -an awake quality within each of the humans it has touched- the elements, the soil, the places, the very air, the machines….”
42.40 I ask to understand this process: “The Aikido Effect- can be a transformative tool.
42.50 “Imagine if all the Nephilim received the essence back , of that which they gave out- of all their influential ways….? Is it the time? Imagine it WERE the time ! Every single point of influence would now be sent back to them, as though the balance changed, just as the switch on a circuit changes. Imagine if it was used to always out-flowing its influence upon humanity: the grid, the matrix structure, the human beings, the animals…imagine if THAT was reversed? That every single counter play was pushed back. To leave through them, on to them- leaving us pure and clean, free of that influence, knowing only love and god’s spirit, Prime Creation’s heart to fullness. My body feels in a way that I’ve known this feeling- a strange feeling of fulness, almost a taste in my mouth- as this energy is shaped differently.”
45.00 “See it all flowing back to the central figure that caused this origin- a large body of essence, every part of its influence gathering back onto its originator. We’ve seen this in part previously. This is a different level that I am now experiencing.
Every single moment through every moment of electricity upon our planet, through the waters and the air, the land- all the mechanised structures, the electrical structures and fire cables the thoughts the transmissions, frequency waves generated, solidified into structures- every part of that essence which is not our natural earth one. Which does not belong now naturally in this place we are at. It peels off like an old skin, shedding. And as I blow it, it hits, it moves, towards and collects and coalesces. -This one originator-being, ( the original Nephilim), who brought himself with his influence to our planet, and decided to do what he wished. However, we have no place or purpose for him anymore. “
47.00 “You take all of this, you bring it to that central figure, and you take that figure back away from us, off our planet- back into your bosom for its recycled end.
47.20 “it sounds so simplistic. However it is possible on some level. -This is the level I am asking for. The level where it is possible. I wish, I wish, I wish, I desire, that in place of this control, and fear and timidity and anxiety and darkness, in place of this there is love and there is goodness, brightness and jollity, joyfulness.
I see this -once the influence of suppression is missing, the earth may spring up and I see her like a Spring version of herself with flowers in her hair- a representation of her essence- it is not only female, I believe it is maybe male and female There are dancers across the land- the natural quality blossoms more, wakes up.

These dark places, with the lithium mines: the barium, the strontium, the aluminium mines where the darkness pervaded, pollution, sickness and ill health - that these are wiped away, lifted off, shifted.
49.16 And almost as though the memories are wiped for those who were inhabited by ‘that other’ non-human essence, , there is a slight freedom now. These systems that we know - held on and held up by that energy we crumbled, crumble quite rapidly now.
49.45 My friends, my greater self, tell me, is there something more I can do here? _For myself or in this situation? Show me clearly, with love…
50.00 “Our hearts contain the thoughts we need.- because the word for ‘heart’ is not just that in the chest, it is really the soul, we just use that word. Just as you love with your soul, you love with your heart-soul.” I visit my Soul room, to see if there is anything in there I would like to give myself. I pour my jug of cornucopia, I pour a jug of washing clean, - pure and beautiful my soul, my body, clear of anything I may have collected. Or attached to me in any shape or form. Im clean, clear and bright. As full as my presence may be…I feel all the old stories drop off….as this old energy is past, and I am new and clean and bright.
I see myself in a gown; it was first green, then it was blue. A beautiful blue, embroidered with gold and silver sparkles all around the edges….blue organza, thick, heavy underneath is, very beautiful long gown- full and queenly. ( Chuckle.) My hair is lustrous and luscious, long- I like this blond colour- and I sing!”

You ARE a PORTAL of God-Source energy, and now is the time to use this and work out what to do with it!


“It” got personal, 20 years ago when it swallowed-up my children, took them away into space which pretended it was churchly, but which actually did its level best to separate my children from me, their Source connection and their innate, exquisite creativity.

Know what I did?

I launched into making that WRONG a RIGHT: I devoted my entire energy to developing work for children which would bring them proper harmonious contact with their Inner Being, ensuring them access, trust, confidence and love with their CREATIVE SOURCE- God.

It has got personal again.

I KNOW all about the darkness waging its rage against humanity- I have studied and written about healing its ways for decades. But now I am ACTING upon it with all the deliberate tools in my Full Human potential!

And YOU here, reading this, are a part of this!

INSPIRITION: the name I received for my band= to enliven and encourage. Well, that beautiful name is what I shall be doing with you:

sign up below. there is no cost ( of course you can donate to me if you like)

I will be training you ,reminding, inspiring and encouraging you, HOW you can use your CONSCIOUSNESS, your IMAGINATION, your heart, soul and mind, to AFFECT CHAGE in the spiritual realms.
Those are all the realms we cannot touch with our fingertips and pronounce to be ‘real”. They ARE very real.

Change that ENERGY-STUFF, and you trigger WHOLE AVALANCHES of change.
Isabel Aimee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: INSPIRITION: Activating Human Potential 8pm GMT session
Time: Aug 2, 2023 08:00 PM London
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Aug 3, 2023 08:00 PM
Aug 4, 2023 08:00 PM
Aug 5, 2023 08:00 PM
Aug 6, 2023 08:00 PM
Aug 7, 2023 08:00 PM
Aug 8, 2023 08:00 PM
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Passcode: dYu915 for my books, course, and music

You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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