Elijah (8) Elijah is taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha takes his place as prophet of Israel

10 months ago

Elisha is determined to stick by Elijah's side right until the end. He asks Elijah for a double portion of his spirit. Elijah says he can have it as long as he sees Elijah go up to heaven. Elisha does this despite a chariot of fire coming and dividing them. Elisha now steps out as the new prophet of Israel!

Elijah (1) A message to evil King Ahab, God's provision and the widow: https://youtu.be/h5tAZLDY7as

Bible Study: Elijah (2) God promises rain. Elijah faces down the prophets of Baal: https://youtu.be/B6KfGrNfF70

Elijah (3) Rain comes, Jezebel is furious, God speaks with Elijah: https://youtu.be/slsP2iIZWlw

Elijah (4) The King of Syria demands Ahab give him his gold, silver, loveliest wives and children! https://youtu.be/kNTXp81MtJA

Elijah (5) Ahab faces God's judgement for his sins: https://youtu.be/R2QFwJ5TYb4

Elijah (6) Many prophecies are fulfilled and Ahab meets his end https://rumble.com/v32qlru-elijah-6-many-prophecies-are-fulfilled-and-ahab-meets-his-end.html

Elijah (7) Ahaziah becomes King, worships Baal. Dies after a fall. Fire from heaven kills 100 men: https://rumble.com/v33wvy7-elijah-7-ahaziah-becomes-king-worships-baal.-dies-after-a-fall.-fire-from-h.html

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