Why Did We Need Einstein Anyway?|⚛

1 year ago

Someone sent me a paper recently that he said disproves Einstein. I'm not going to critique the paper here, but if you've watched my channel for a while, you'll know I'm a firm believer in both the special theory of relativity and the general one. Now I've explained many of the concepts presented by Einstein on my channel before, and I actually plan to do updated versions of many of them in the future because some are too cringy to watch. However, this exchange made me realize I have never touched on why we needed the added complexity of Einstein. Why couldn't we just have stuck with Issac Newton's good old laws? Let me Explain why!

#specialtheoryofrelativity #generaltheoryofrelativity #einstein

Background planet art is all my own unless otherwise stated.

✝=Religious Video
⚛=Science/Engineering Video

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