Narcissistic Abuse: 21 Signs You’ve Recovered, Healed, Moved On

11 months ago

WATCH Narcissistic Abuse Healing and Recovery Playlist

WATCH 20 Signs that Narcissist Infected YOU (Zombie Narcissism)

No disparaging introjects traceable back to him (incl. flying monkeys)

No ego dystony or hesitancy in decision-making

Ability to trust restored

No doubting your judgment

Independent reality testing restored (no cognitive distortions)

Sense of agency and self-efficacy restored

Autonomous motivation

No catastrophizing (imminent doom)

No anticipatory anxiety

No addictive cravings or sentimental nostalgia coupled with separation insecurity (abandonment anxiety)

No seeking of same type partner (from narcissistic to anaclitic mate selection)

No maternal or parental impulses (no narcissistic transferences)

No “us”, only “you” (no merger or fusion in a shared fantasy as well as intact boundaries, no enmeshment or engulfment)

No attempts to mind read

No self-sacrificial, people pleasing impulses (no emotional blackmail)

No infantile defenses

No self-idealization or self-devaluation, just realistic introspection and self-awareness

Restored functioning: social, workplace, as a parent, empathy

No emoting by proxy (crying in a movie)

No trust aversion or dread of intimacy

No victimhood stance – assuming personal responsibility

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