8-05-23 Busy week keeping up with the garden

10 months ago

Here's the interesting thing about a garden...for weeks and months it goes along, growing and growing until one day, lots of things ripen at once and you spend a lot of time in the kitchen preserving what you've grown! This time of year is like that! Thankful that the corn that went down in last week's storm looks about normal again!

Stan planted the sweet corn at staggered times, so we don't have one huge day of "putting it up." I had one day last week of sweet corn and peaches and elderberry jelly. That's a bit too much of a day for me. But that's a welcome price to pay for a bountiful harvest.

My pickled peppers were a hit at a golf-outing fundraiser yesterday so I went home and made a couple more quarts. I found out that these banana peppers really do need to be picked before they turn from yellow to orange or the insides turn brown. I had to throw out a few yesterday that I'd missed.

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