Lair of the Dragon - Pup

11 months ago

" is more than food..."

- Luke 12:23

We live in a perverse age, where people will do anything for money and power. As such, there exists all sorts of misinformation. Sadly, those whose job is to protect the public; are also guilty of pursuing the same objectives as those who are trying to take advantage of people.

These videos are just a small example of how there is an intentional misleading of the public; for the benefit of those that are part of the corrupt system. Fortunately, despite the wickedness of those lying and covering up deeds of sin; God has been exposing what has been done in the dark:

An important way to discern the dependability of the source you are gathering information; one must ask, does there exist any gain from the entity giving out data? Using cigarettes as an example; a person who is wise, wouldn't trust the alleged benefits or safety of that product from such corporations, nor those affiliated with them by money given to people or groups.

Putting this principal into practice: recently there's been news about artificial sweeteners:

It may be a shock to some but this data has existed since the 1990s. Americans that served in the Gulf War conflict (August 2, 1990 - February 28, 1991), a few suffered a condition that would become known as the Gulf War syndrome.

The Department of Defense (DOD) said that it was post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many did not believe it because those suffering with the condition, had physical problems that have never been seen before or after, from any other conflict.

Service members were exposed to multiple hazardous materials; which is why there have been documented cases of Gulf War syndrome being passed onto their significant others and also had children with birth defects.

Among the toxic materials that the American military faced, was artificial sweeteners. When stored in high temperatures, artificial sweeteners toxicity is amplified. Refrigerating these chemically altered substances, wouldn't revert back to a "safer" state. What seemed like non-related events; with the DOD sweeping everything under the rug, saying it was PTSD; the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required all foods and drinks to have on those items, a warning sign that they cause cancer.

In an unusual step, the FDA put a time limit to the labeling requirement. It ended around the early 2000s and was retested for its safety. The test was set up in a fashion so that artificial sweeteners could be considered safe.

Despite everything, you look at these companies that sell artificial sweeteners or their sales people; there's not one mention of it being harmful. On the contrary, they actually say it is healthy. Could you imagine the same thing occurring with cigarette companies? It is without question, sick and twisted.

The knowledge of known harmful effects of margarine, has been around since the 1800s. The dangers of fluoride, since the 1950s. Masks having negative effects on the human brain, the 1960s. To further grasp the effects of greed; the food pyramid developed by the Department of Agriculture, was created via lawyers, not scientists or doctors. Our society is run by those that are only interested with themselves. When it comes to industry and those who are to protect citizens; neither are concerned about an individual's well being.

This goes back to the central point; whenever money or power is involved, expect corruption somewhere. That's why independent sources usually are much more reliable than those that have any connections to corporations. Always question those that have something to gain.

Those seeking a good resource to obtain reliable information on health and nutrition, can do so by visiting the link below.

This specialist provides the best resource for optimal health. What most people are not conscientious of, medical guidelines are based on studies conducted with a large test group.

Since most people can't afford true individual medical care; what a person is given are generalities that worked for the test subjects but even within the test group, not all of them had the same results. There are over 500 different biochemical differences with the human body.

These differences play a huge role in a person's individual's health. A perfect example is magnesium. The FDA's recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for male adults is 400-420 mg and 310-320 mg for females but this is best for whites. The darker your skin tone, the more magnesium a person needs.

These types of differences are the reasons why some foods, diets and exercises work for some people; while others, not at all. Unlike every other medical or health program; the information provided from the link above; helps a person to know what actually is best for themselves.

Keep in mind that it's impossible to be 100% accurate. As a result, supplementing information from the two specialists linked in the list is important as well.

Anyone wishing to obtain a thorough understanding about soy; it's history, including the corrupt business ties and detailed dangers; the book The Whole Soy Story by Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel, is eye opening. In it, there are testimonies from Nobel prize winning scientists, concerning the toxic vegetable.

A video you may wish to consider watching (despite the foul language):

Its usefulness is found in helping some of those who may not be interested in issues of nutrition but open to hearing about the soy issue in the fashion that's in that particular video.

Other helpful resources:

Just as independent sources for nutrition and health is important, so it's also true of the news. The next set of links are really good places to obtain knowledge of current events. It won't replace your local news but knowing what's actually going on in one's country and around the world, is vital in this day and age.

For everyone reading this, please consider evaluating the material in the two links below. There are a lot of things going on in the world but it's an issue that can impact your family or someone you care about.

Consider getting involved by praying, as well as sharing those two links with everyone you know.

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