Diamond, her talents, best dog for me

6 months ago

Diamond has divinity, yup.
The miracles of huskies.
They are not dogs for those who want/ expect obedience.
They are cats dressed up as dogs.
They will not obey you, they are independent and they run, they are usually kept in kennels which is a terrible thing to do to any dog.
But it's because they are pretty wild dogs and don't let them out without a leash, even if in the back yard or dog park, unleashed, watch them.
They pick their owners.
They leave when they are unhappy or allowed to leave, no supervision, no exercise, no respect.
They will not tolerate abuse to themselves or to anyone else.
If you want one you must do all in your power to understand this breed and support this breed because with support it can and will help other dogs and or humans in distress.
They are not command animals but they will seek justice and train others.
This breed has a very high social order and gets along with all other dogs but if it is nagging at the ear of a poorly behaved dog, just leave it alone and calm the parent, they are not aggressive, no harm will befall their dog and the owner will prob need to step up in future to do what it can to keep their dog from being the alpha in the family.
Being the alpha is a lot of work for dogs and some cannot handle the job. If they have command dogs, they need to command them when they are stuck in a loop of poor behavior. Command dogs don't do well being alphas. That's why they are command dogs. They need strong parents who enjoy being the alpha.

This is what Diamond has taught me. Her and God have taught me why she does what she does and it is correct. It's not fun for the owners who worry but then they need to step up and be strong parents. They should be happy that Diamond is willing to do their job in five minutes, what they could not do across years.
They are master communicators with dogs, not so much with humans. In fact their communication with humans is zilch. It sucks.
They will not speak human, nor understand human. Their drive is too strong to take orders so they do not invest in human speak.
But if you want to train your huskies use homemade PB cookies with very low sugar. Do not feed your husky milk or dairy, they will have the D. Do not feed your husky onions, garlic or any thing from that family. No avocados.
No avocado plants.
But with exciting treats towards In-and-Out pee time in the front yard they will learn that it's better than fooling you into long walks.
They will cooperate if the price is good for them to switch agendas and with bribing you will succeed in not having to walk them four hours daily. They will do their business if rewards of PB cookies are the treat. I just make oatmeal PB cookies with less sugar and she's very happy. You may use real butter to bake but I use less than the recipe, enough to make it all stick. You are also using pb which serves to moisten and to grease the recipe. So less butter works.
When feeding, I make their food. I always use meat but stretch it out with rice and beans, toms, lettuce, that will have you using only about a cup of meat if that or fish. Use two-three cups of the other combined.
Once Daily.
Offer water before in and out during the day and before walks it during hot day walks. Try to walk in cool hours, not on hot pavement.
And midnight and early morning PB treats for peeing on in front lawn. One walk daily around the hood will be good if accompanied with a free run in a dog park a few times a week. Remember, at dog parks, they do not harm, they do good. Feel confident, be the water cleaner/ changer so the dogs come to love you, they will appreciate fresh clean water throughout their visit. And clean it up for them as most people don't bother. Be the great parent and help them all to have a great day.
Huskies usually end up at shelters or get hit by cars because they escape when kept in yards unattended.
Don't let that happen to your husky. Go online and see what they say about your breed and be the best parent your dog can have.


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