PodCast 🎙️ Juan Pablo Martinez, Wübu Bamboo in Guatemala

8 months ago

🎋 #ThinkBamboo PodCast : Se.1, Ep.2 -- Juan Pablo Martinez, Wübu in Guatemala, the Bamboo Journey. 🇬🇹

[00:00] Juan Pablo's bamboo journey started with a permacultural project in Guatemala.
[04:44] A bamboo house with three stories was built in Guatemala using guadua bamboo.
[00:32] Starting a local business to produce wood products and charcoal
[13:17] Bamboo is a holistic system for development and climate mitigation.
[17:31] Raw bamboo poles require proper curing.
[21:47] Certification for bamboo products is being considered for the future
[25:52] Company plans to plant 10,000 hectares of bamboo
[00:01] Cooperation is key to success in the bamboo industry


Detailed Summary for [#2 ThinkBamboo PodCast : Juan Pablo Martinez, Wübu in Guatemala](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyNa7ndGb0)

[00:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyNa7ndGb0&t=5) Juan Pablo's bamboo journey started with a permacultural project in Guatemala.
- Juan Pablo faced challenges with theft and unsuitable land for his project.
- He discovered that bamboo could protect his other crops and started growing it, eventually leading to a successful bamboo plantation.

[04:44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyNa7ndGb0&t=284) A bamboo house with three stories was built in Guatemala using guadua bamboo.
- The guadua bamboo used was brought from Colombia and planted by a neighbor.
- The guadua bamboo used is straight and has no thorns, making it good for complicated neighbors but challenging for harvesting.

[00:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyNa7ndGb0&t=32) Starting a local business to produce wood products and charcoal
- Buying machines to produce squared strips and pressing them into wood
- Selling locally and supplying materials to furniture and house manufacturers

[13:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyNa7ndGb0&t=797) Bamboo is a holistic system for development and climate mitigation.
- Bamboo is not just for industrial use, but also for eco-villages and companion planting.
- Local interest in bamboo is growing, with collaborations with universities and workshops planned.

[17:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyNa7ndGb0&t=1051) Industrialized bamboo products are of high quality, but raw bamboo poles require proper curing.
- Industrialized bamboo products like bamboo wood or bamboo engineer wood are of high quality.
- Raw bamboo poles require proper curing to ensure quality and prevent insect damage.

[21:47](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyNa7ndGb0&t=1307) Certification for bamboo products is being considered for the future
- Agro Cabana is recognized by the government and is working on certifications and traceability
- Currently, a simple test is done to determine the quantity of curing material in the wood

[25:52](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyNa7ndGb0&t=1552) Company plans to plant 10,000 hectares of bamboo
- Already have 25,000 guadua plants and 6-7k asper seeds
- Using a combination of seeds and seedlings to reproduce asper plants

[00:01](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyNa7ndGb0&t=1) Cooperation is key to success in the bamboo industry
- Latin Americans approach bamboo with a reluctance to share knowledge, but cooperation is necessary for success
- Working together will create a powerful economy that will change rural areas in third world countries and promote equality

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