Project DIVA F 2nd - Stop Me by HSP (鼻そうめんP) ft Megurine Luka

1 year ago

• Title: Stop Me
• Music: HSP (鼻そうめんP)
• Lyrics: yuiko
• PV Edit: xtokashx
• Hardware/Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 / Sony Vegas 13 Pro

WARNING: This PV contains a lot of effects and strobing so please use discretion when viewing.

HSP Channel:
Original PV:

I love the 80's sound and style of HSP's stuff. "Stop Me" is no exception and one of my favorite songs from him and one of the few where he uses Luka.

I started this edit around 2013, but like most edits, it sat on my PS3 unfinished for 2 years. I worked on it on and off, but the song is almost 6 minutes long and it seemed to take forever to get through it. There isn't much of a premise to it other than Luka singing and dancing with a lot of effects. There's a number of things in it that are still unfinished or unpolished and could use more work. Also because of the post-production effects, Youtube poops all over it with its notoriously bad re-compression and a lot of scenes end up looking very pixelated and blocky, particularly during scene transitions. But I've exhausted my inspiration and I wanted to just get this done and out of the way. So here it is in its unfinished glory...


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