12 Minutes Democrats Denying Election Results

11 months ago


For years, Democrats have refused to accept the results of the 2000 presidential election.
Al Gore repeatedly claimed that he was the real winner of the 2000 election.
In 2002, Gore claimed he “would have won” if every vote in Florida was counted and that he “absolutely” believed he would become president after the ordered recount.
Gore’s wife, Tipper, said that “I still believe we won.”
In 2016, Gore brought up the 2000 election during a rally for Hillary Clinton and did not refute chants from the audience saying he won.
In 2017, Gore implied Jeb Bush “may have had something” to do with him losing Florida.
Gore, in 2017: “Actually, I think I carried Florida."
Hillary Clinton, more than once, questioned the legitimacy of the 2000 election.
In 2002, Clinton said Bush had been “selected” and not elected president.
In 2016, Clinton said that the Supreme Court “took away a presidency” in Bush v. Gore.
Then-President Bill Clinton in 2001 claimed that Gore actually won the election, suggesting that all the votes in Florida were not counted and that the Supreme Court had altered the outcome.
Clinton: “The only way [Republicans] could win the election was to stop the voting in Florida.”
Former President Jimmy Carter has repeatedly denied the results of the 2000 election.
Carter, in 2005: “There is no doubt in my mind that Al Gore was elected president.”
Carter, in 2014: “I don't think that George W. Bush won the election in 2000.”
Terry McAuliffe repeated claims that the 2000 election was “stolen” for over two decades.
Repeatedly in 2001, then-DNC Chairman McAuliffe claimed that Al Gore won the election.
In 2004, McAuliffe falsely accused Republicans of “stealing” the 2000 presidential election.
In 2008, McAuliffe accused Republicans of “stealing” the 2000 election in his autobiography.
In 2017, McAuliffe once again claimed that Al Gore “did win the election.”
In 2021, McAuliffe doubled down on his previous “stolen” election claims and refused to say that Bush won the 2000 election.
Former presidential candidate Rev. Jessie Jackson, Sr. said Gore’s election was “essentially taken and stolen.”
Former DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) in 2016 said that Al Gore won Florida.
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), a member of the January 6th Committee, has repeatedly suggested the 2000 election was illegitimate.
In 2002, Raskin wrote that the Supreme Court had “[frozen] the election results” in an “outrageous assault on democracy,” saying the Court had “ determine[d] the outcome of a presidential election.”
In 2003, Raskin called Bush America’s first “court-appointed president.”
15 House Democrats even objected to counting Florida’s electoral votes.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) questioned the 2000 Florida election results, calling them “fraudulent” and staging a walkout of the House chamber.
Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) questioned the integrity of the election and “the future of our democracy.”
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) claimed that there was “overwhelming evidence” that Bush did not win the 2000 election and vowed there would be “no peace” as a result.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) called the Florida electoral count “inaccurate.”
​Former Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL) said that Bush “was not elected,” saying in 2004 that Bush was chosen by the Supreme Court and that the election was stolen in a “coup d’état.”

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