Oh Rebellious Children (Isaiah 30:1b-5)

11 months ago

#wrble #werisebyliftingothers #hopeandafuture
New can be scary. Not knowing what the "Promised Land" will be like that GOD is calling us too, not knowing what it will be like on the trip through "The Wilderness" to get there. Not knowing what it will be like now that we have left "Egypt" behind and be rescued out by The Hand of He-Who-Redeems.
Running to the wrong rescuer: Sometimes it's through co-dependent relationships, sometimes it's through addictions, sometimes it's going back to places to and chains we've been set free of.

To have our Avon Carried is that forgiveness and mercy. Like the weight lifted that we were not meant to carry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1zkwkI9oAw&t=196s&pp=ygUSYmlibGUgcHJvamVjdCBhdm9u

Also, note to self, edit then do the end cards as I couldn't move them inside the editor to not have the end of it be me jumping up and down in pain.... Whoopsie!

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